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Poe :- Ranpo kun why are you smiling like that ??

Ranpo :- Ohh it's nothing.

Poe :- Naah i can tell. Are you planning to eat principal fukuzawa's lunch again.

Ranpo :- Ohh thank you poe for reminding me, i almost forgot about it.

Poe :- R-ranpo kun atleast give me a hint.

Ranpo :- For now just know that something is about to happen.

Poe :- Something like what?? A new mystery novel ??

Ranpo :- Ohh, yes about that. You're coming with me to the bookstore today.

Poe :- But atleast tell me what were you thinking about before.

Ranpo :- You'll come to know soon.


Nikolai :- I am getting these vibes from dos kun like something is going on in his mind. What do you think sigma.

Sigma :- I don't know. I always get devilish vibes from him.

Nikolai :- Ayoo don't be like that sigma. Dos kun is really great. He understands me so~ well.

Sigma :- Of course he understands. He's your boyfriend afterall.

Nikolai :- Ohh my how - did - you - know - tha~t

Sigma :- It is obvious and STOP YOUR DRAMA. ( In his mind :- Seriously why am i even friends with this guy.

Nikolai :- But as far as i know, looking at dos kun , something is about to happen.

Meanwhile dazai :- It's about time i guess. I hope odasaku does what i said.

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