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Kouyou :- " So what's it supposed to be !? A sleepover or something ??

Yosano :- " Yeah maybe . Just wanted all of you to come over since mom and dad are out for work. "

Higuchi :- " Okay then we'll join "

Kyouka and Lucy :- " We too. "

Kouyou :- " What about you gin ?? "

Gin :- " I'll have to ask my brother "

Kouyou :- " Don't worry about that. I'll ask him. Kay ?? "

Gin :- " Okay then "

Later that night at yosano's house

Higuchi :- " So what are we supposed to do now . Sit and get bored "

Gin :- " Why don't you tell us about your simp tales. "

Higuchi :- " Just because you're senpai's sister i am not saying anything. "

Lucy :- " Btw gin how are you and tachihara doing. "

Gin :- " Everything's fine i guess. He's quite nice to me , cares about me and does everything i say so yeah it's going good. "

Kyouka :- " This is the first time i am seeing her blush so much. "

Kouyou :- " Didn't knew you had such a side gin "

Higuchi *giggling* :- " Yeah when i saw her for the first time , i thought she was a guy. "

Gin :- " U- umm could you please change the topic. "

Higuchi :- " Ohh yes what about senpai and that stupid, weird * infinite curse words * jinko . They don't even talk to us nowdays. "

Yosano :- " Those love birds are too busy with themselves. "

Gin :- " I don't know either . I am just happy they haven't killed each other yet. "

Kyouka :- " Yesterday i heard akutagawa say - jinko i'll ki-ki-ki-kill you . "

Yosano :- " Tch these kids can't even say kiss. "

Kouyou :- " That's just their love language . We can't do anything. "

Higuchi :- " Do they even know how to flirt. "

Gin :- " Ohh i remember that day

Aku :- Jinko my hand is literally on your neck.

Atsushi :- Aku are you fighting or flirting.


Atsushi :- Aku stop you'll kill me. This isn't how people flirt dammit.

Yeah that's pretty much how it went "

Yosano :- " Things will get better with time i guess . "

Kouyou :- " Hmm most of the guys in our group are already comitted right ?? Except that kunikida and kenji. Tanizaki is also there but i don't think naomi will let him date anyone . Hahaa "

Lucy :- " Kunikida san will probably marry his ideals . Since his ideals are too much."

Yosano :- " And kenji has hanako kun "

Lucy :- " hanako kun !? "

Kyouka :- " His cow . He loves it . "

Yosano :- " But why are you asking this. Have you finally decided to date someone."

Kouyou :- " As if that's going to happen "

Yosano :- " Yeah yeah but what about chuuya and dazai !? It's quite obvious that dazai likes chuuya but what about the other one. "

Kouyou :- "Maybe , maybe not . He seriously has no idea on how to feel about dazai. So he's just handling things the usual way. "

Yosano :- " Didn't he say anything else ?? "

Kouyou :- "He said , " Anee san i don't know about love at first sight but i definitely get annoyed at first sight whenever i see that idiot . " Even though i don't like dazai that much but still if chuuya chooses him , i'll let it pass. "

Yosano :- " Being a good old sister now , aren't we huhh "

Kouyou :- " Shut up i am not that old . "

Yosano :- " Seriously dazai should already ask him out . Right kyouka ?? "

Yosano turns and sees that gin, lucy, kyouka and higuchi are fast asleep .

Yosano :- " What asleep already . It's just 11 p.m "

Kouyou :- " Everyone isn't a night owl like us . "

Yosano :- " Wanna continue the talk somewhere else or do you want to sleep already. "

Kouyou :- " Neh i won't sleep before 1 a.m "

Both of them go to the living room and sit on the couch

Kouyou :- " Hey do you think lucy likes kyouka ??

Yosano :- " I keep getting the lovey dovey vibes from them but i don't think the've realised it."

Kouyou :- " Oh i see. "

Yosano :- " Worried about your dear kyouka chan huh ?? "

Kouyou :- " Of course i am "

Yosano :- " Don't worry babe. Lucy is a nice girl. "

Kouyou :- " Babe !? What's with this sudden change ??"

Yosano :- " You don't like it ?? "

Kouyou :- " Naah . It's okay. "

Yosano :- " So why you don't wanna date anyone? "

Kouyou :- " I just don't like guys . "

Yosano :- " Say wanna go out with me . "

Kouyou :- " Huhh. Stealing wine again from your parent's cabinet. "

Yosano :- " No no . I am dead serious. "

Kouyou :- " Well if you're serious then sure why not. "

Yosano :- " So now that we're going out , we should celebrate it right. Come with me "

Kouyou :- " Stealing  !? "

Yosano :- " Don't be an ass. They have sake too. "

Kouyou :- " Very well then . I think i'll join you"

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