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Akutagawa sat alone on the beach looking into the ocean as sun is about to set. The light orange rays falling onto his face as he closes his eyes to feel the gentle breeze flowing. "Finally" he thinks . Just then someone appears behind him.

Atsushi :- " Aku, kyouka chan said you called me."

Aku :- " Huhh... yes yes. I wanted to talk about something."

Atsushi :- " What is it ?? Something important !!" he says as he sits beside aku.

Aku :- " This view is so pretty right now."

Atsushi :- " Hahaa you called me to tell this."

Aku :- " Yes and no "

Atsushi :- " Is it a yes or no !! "

Aku :- " I wanted to watch the sunset with you and i have something else to say too." He said without looking at atsushi.

Atsushi :- " Ohh" was the only thing he could say. He looked at aku who was deep in his thought. 'Cute' he thought and shifted his gaze towards the sea.

After a while akutagawa spoke.

Aku :- " I wanted to confess to somebody "

Atsushi :- " Huh...Ohh...Umm...nice i guess...so you want my help in this " . Atsushi said as he tried to hide his disappointment with a smile.

Aku :- " yes " aku said with a straight face.

Atsushi :- " What do you want to ask?? "

Aku :- " I think they will reject me "

Atsushi :- " No . I don't think so. You are nice,cute and caring even with that sour expression of yours. No one will ever reject you. Once someone comes to know you, they will see how good you are from the inside . I know. I BELIEVE IN YOU." he said as his tone changed from happy to sad.

Aku :- " So you won't reject me ??"

Atsushi :- " No i would never reject you."




Atsushi :- " WAIT...WHAT "

Aku just smiled at atsushi's flustered face and moved closer to the quite embarresed jinko slowly leaning towards his lips . He brushed his thumb on his lower lip and smiled as he could feel the higtened breathing of the other male. He moved his other hand from the smaller male's back to his neck and then interlocked their lips. Atsushi melted and gave in to the touch . He moved closer to aku as he placed his hand on the other's raven hair and reciprocated the kiss.

But his stupid, stupid lungs had to find air, and he was forced to separate from aku's embrace. He hit lightly on aku's chest and he let him go. Atsushi's turned red as he found his voice.

Atsushi :- " Ak...Aku " he said unable to find anything meaningful to say. His mind was full of questions but none that he could frame.

Aku :- " Sushi , i love you." he said as he placed his hand on the blushing mess's cheek.

Atsushi :- " Yeah...I-I love you too. " he said softly as his mind rewinded and replayed what had just happened now.

Atsushi was soon pulled out of his thought as akutagawa hugged him tightly. They sat in each other's warm embrace and watched the now starry sky as the moon was pouring it's white light in full glory.


Kyouka and lucy hiding behind a bush and spying.

Lucy :- " Ah...ah ... i-is this what they talk about i-in manga. It's...it's so"

Kyouka :- " Cute "

Lucy :- " a-and "

Kyouka :- " sweet "

Lucy :- " I CANT - "

Kyouka :- " I promise to protect it with my life. "

" Kyouka chan you don't need to go that far you know ." came a voice from the adjacent bush. They turned their heads and saw dazai with a handful of popcorns.

Kyouka :- " Dazai san are watching a movie here. "

Dazai :- " It was worth a show" He said smiling at the other two."Come on now leave them alone, let's go inside."


Despite his health problems Nakajima Atsushi was a lively and vibrant youth:

Like his mother, who died of tuberculosis at age thirty-five, Nakajima had persistent health problems and suffered from severe asthma beginning in his late teens. Most readers and critics assume Nakajima to have been a fragile poetic genius, but in fact as a young man he was lively and vibrant. During his college years he was obsessed with ballroom dancing, playing mah-jongg, horseback riding, and girls. In an interesting episode that reflects his youthful exuberance, he once organized a group of dancers from Asakusa to perform in Taiwan. He is said to have written all the scripts and music for the tour. Though the tour was never realized, this incident shows that, at least in his youth, Nakajima was full of energy and ideas. 

- Faye Yuan Kleeman, Under an Imperial Sun: Japanese Colonial Literature of Taiwan and the South

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