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Dazai :- " Oi kunikida kuuuuun~ wake up" he says as he jumps over to his bed." Look over here look look."

Kunikida :- " I can only see your idiot face. "

Dazai * jumps to the middle of the room waking up everyone * :- "Ahh i've finally arrived in afterlife at yomotsuhirasaka."

Dazai * goes to atsushi and holds his hand tightly almost crushing it * :- "It's exactly as i imagined . Blue smokes trailing along the ground . Moonlight dashing against the window and pink elephants dancing in the western sky. I knew the COMPLETE GUIDE TO SUICIDE was a masterpiece. Who knew i just needed to eat mushrooms that grew near the yesterday's stop point to  have a lovely way out."

Chuuya * comes to dazai and hits him with his fist * :- "You what -"

Dazai *grabbing chuuya's neck tightly* :- " Ah i've finally caught you rainbow pillbug. Wow you look like someone i know... i'll make you my dog."

Dazai *going over to akutagawa shaking his hand vigorously* :- "You should have come here too. It's amazing . There are rainbow pillbugs."

Just then oda and ango sensei come to their room . Dazai jumps on odasaku pulling his cheeks and says :- " You can drink all you want , eat all you want . You can look at all the sleeping beauties you could possibly-"

Oda sensei hit him with his fist. He spun around and fell dramatically on the floor unconsious.

Ango :- "Seriously what a sucidal brat."

Chuuya :- " Sorry sensei . It's my fault. I shouldn't have let him go."

Oda sensei :- " Nevermind chuuya kun i know he is a handful. Okay rest of you get ready and come to the hall for breakfast . After that we'll go the beach and wake that idiot dazai up."

They all got ready and went to the hall for breakfast. Chuuya gava dazai a few blows after which he got up his head still spinning.After they ate their breakfast they went to the beach.

Kenji was looking for a place to eat something with poe and ranpo.

Tanizaki and naomi were doing their usual stuff and nobody dared to bother them even after tanizaki's whimper.

Kunikida was finding his glasses and yosano was finding her scapel. Apparently they both were lost at the same time or maybe not.

Chuuya was trying to hold onto dazai who said he just wanted to go into the ocean for swiming.

Tachihara and gin were trying to console a crying higuchi because apparently akutagawa was no longer with them but with kyouka,lucy and atsushi.

Kyouka , lucy and akutagawa were sitting under an umbrella as atsushi was sitting at a distance  looking towards the ocean as the waves washed his feet occasionally.

Akutagawa decided to break the ice.

Akutagawa :- "So why are you guys helping me."

Kyouka hesitated a bit and said :- " We went to a manga store ."

Akutagawa :- " ...manga store ..."

Lucy :- " Yess so we were seeing the shojo manga section . Then a girl came and dragged us to another section."

Akutagawa :- " Huhh which one? "

Lucy :- " BL "

Akutagawa :- " Understandable " he said as he covered his face trying to supress a laugh.

Kyouka said shyly :- " It was cute so we decided to help you too." 

Akutagawa :- " Ahh i see, so how are you planning to help me."

Lucy :- " We have a plan but it depends on you if you want to follow or not. " Lucy turns to aku and whispers something in his ears.

( At this point higuchi who was secretly watching over him had a heart attack and was shifted to a nearby hospital. Get well soon higuchi an even bigger shock is coming.)

Akutagawa :- " You sure it will work ? "

Lucy and kyouka nodded their heads in unison.

Akutagawa :- " Okay then today it is."


Sakaguchi Ango called Dazai Osamu's death a "hangover suicide":

Appropriately enough, given Dazai's history of suicide attempts, [his] final act is subject to some doubt. There were rumors that Dazai was the victim of a homicide carried out by his lover Tomie. The basis for this theory consisted of unconfirmed reports, denied by the police, that signs of the corpse indicated possible strangulation. There were also said to be traces of geta (wooden clogs) in the sand, indicating that Dazai might have been dragged into the water. The homicide theory is reinforced by the realization that Dazai's unfinished work, ominously titled in English 'Good-bye,' was not a farewell to life, as might lend credence to the suicide theory, but rather a farewell to 'women.' Accordingly, it is proposed that Tomie, sensing a separation, might have lured Dazai to his death. He may have gone along unsuspectingly, or he may have let himself be led, and then resisted, only to be subdued by her determination. Presumably, though, he was in a state of health and mind that would not have discouraged compliance. He may also have been drinking. A writer of similar tendencies, Sakaguchi Ango, invoking Dazia's tendency toward alcoholic depression, called it a 'hangover suicide.'

- Alan Stephen Wolfe, Suicidal Narrative in Modern Japan: The Case of Dazai Osamu 

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