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Dazai , kunikida , yosano and chuuya sitting in the corner of the class.

Chuuya :- " Dazai you sure it will work out ? "

Dazai :- " Have my strategies ever gone wrong chuuya ? " he said with a smirk.

Chuuya :- " Tch i don't have anything to do with him but still i'll help. "

Dazai :- " What about you kunikida and yosano. "

Kunikida :- " Only because it's him i'll agree with you. "

Yosano :- " If you invite kouyou then i'll also help. "

"Really kouyou anee san " chuuya said with sparkly eyes.

Dazai :- " So it's a yes . Got it "


Dazai :- " So today we'll play truth or dare . Everyone agrees ??"

"Yes" they all said excitedly.

Dazai, chuuya, atsushi, akutagawa, kunikida, yosano , kouyou, ranpo , poe, gin ,tachihara, kyouka, lucy , kenji, tanizaki, naomi and higuchi sat in a circle.

"Okay then i'll start" dazai said clapping his getting everyone's attention.

Kouyou :- " Wait dazai , may i know why am i here!? You hardly ever talk to me and inviting me all of a sudden that souds fishy. "

Dazai :- " Don't ask me. Yosano was the one who called you here. "

Yosano :- " Well ever since are classes changed we hardly see each that's why "

"I am glad " kouyou said with a smile on her face.

"Ahh we are so happy to see you ." chuuya and kyouka said each clinging to one of her arms and resting their head on her shoulders.

Kouyou :- " Me too chuuya and kyoka chan "

Dazai :- " Okay okay enough with the touching reunion. Now can we start. "

Kouyou :- " Sure. "

Dazai :- " So first kunikida kuuuuuuuuuuuun ~ truth or dare ? "

Kunikida adjusting his glasses :- " Truth "

Dazai :- " Okay then kunikida why don't you tell us about your ideal girl. "

Kunikida :- " No . Not happening."

Ranpo :- " Come on kunikida . Okay just tell two of them . "

Kunikida sighed and said " She should be strong and independent. She should have black hair."

Dazai :- " and 56 other things. "

Kunikida :- " DAZAI YOU BASTARD !!!!!!!! . " he yelled at dazai before continuing " next i'll ask yosano. "

Yosano :- " Uhmmm...truth "

Kunikida :- " Okay so if you had to kiss someone among us , who would it be. "

"Kouyou of course. Is that even a question. " yosano said in an obvious tone while kouyou covered her mouth and laughed secretly at the other's expression. " Hmm my turn ... tanizaki truth or dare. "

Tanizaki :- " Dare i guess. "

Yosano giggled and said :- " Then act like dazai when he ate the mushroom at the beach. "

Kouyou noticed a slight blush on chuuya's cheek at the mention of dazai and beach. It hardly took her a second to understand that something had happened there and made a note to ask about it later.

Tanizaki :- " Wait ... no it's too embarrasing. "

Naomi :- " If you won't do it oni sama, i'll give you a smack " she said in a teasing yet serious manner.

Tanizaki :- " Okay okay . I'll do it. "

He got up and stood in the middle of the group . He took a deep breath and started acting like dazai jumping from here to there and pulling kunikida's cheeks , saying weird things. The others laughed as tanizaki acted exactly like him while dazai fake pouted and said that he didn't act like this.

Tanizaki :- " So before i start feeling the second hand embarrasement i'll ask akutagawa truth or dare ? "

Akutagawa :- " Dare "

Tanizaki :- " I dare you to make out with your little jinko over here for about 30 seconds ."

Atsushi :- " Huhhh... why this ? "

Akutagawa :- " It's okay sushi if you don't want to do this. "

Atsushi thought about it a bit then said " No it's okay "

Akutagawa reached for his hand, helped him to get up and move towards the centre. He squeezed the other's hand gently and asked "Umm.........ready " . Atsushi just nodded his head as his face turned red.

"OKAY ONE TWO THREE GO " dazai shouted as hd turned on the timer on his phone.

Akutagawa gently cupped atsushi face before pressing his lips onto his. The kiss was slow and shy as everyone could tell they were nervous given so many people were watching them . However after a few seconds confidence took over akutagawa as he moved his head, deepening the kiss and opening atsushi's mouth to let his tongue inside. Atsushi felt as if the other's hand moved from his face to his waist, pulling him closer and their bodies pressed against each other. In return he wrapped his arms around his neck and kissed him back.

"OKAY TIMES UP " Dazai yelled and the two of them went back to their place ignoring the hooting sounds which were mainly dazai and chuuya.


The birthname of the real life is Ryūnosuke Nīhara (新原 龍之介).His art name  is Chōkōdō Shujin (澄江 堂主).

The relationship between Akutagawa and Dazai in real-life is reversed in Bungo Stray Dogs. In real life, he greatly idolized Akutagawa and was greatly shaken by Akutagawa's suicide.

He is very strict in conserving electricity.

Akutagawa's ability, Rashōmon, turns his coat into a black beast. This is in reference to the Japanese author Ryūnosuke Akutagawa's short story titled Rashōmon wherein a homeless servant stole the clothes of an old lady by ripping it off her.Early in the short story, the homeless servant ponders whether to starve to death or to become a thief in order to survive. This mirrors Atsushi's dilemma after being kicked out of the .

According to the bungou stray dogs official twitter, he does not know the name of the "frilly thing" on his collar (jabot).

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