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Mori :- okay so today we are celebrating the annual sports day. For the first event that is tug of war we have team A and team B.

Fukuzawa :- In team A we have dazai,atsushi,kenji and kunikida

Dazai :- Yosh, let's do this we'll win today just you wait and watch.

Kunikida :- Shut up idiot.

Fukuzawa :- And on team B we have chuuya, akutagawa,kaji and tachihara.

Chuuya :- Today i'll crush you dazai so get ready . I won't hold back.

Dazai :- Umm on a second thought i think i won't participate in this.

Atsushi :- Yeah right.

Kenji :- Well if everyone is going back, i'll also join you.

Oda :- Wait kids , you shouldn't give up so easily -

Dazai :- Yes odasaku blah blah lecture lecture but we're not going back.

Oda :- Dazai if you go back, i'll buy you a new set of bandages.

Dazai :- Ahh oodasaku~

Dazai :- Okay guys it's time to fight back.

Atsushi :- D-dazai saaannnnn

Fukuzawa :- Okay so now it begins . And with chuuya in team B it looks like team A will be in trouble.

Mori :- Team A is using all it's strength but still team B isn't moving an inch. Looks like team B will win.

Oda :- Come on kids you can do it. Believe in yourselves.

Dazai :- What is he blabering when we our putting our lives on the line.

Kenji :- No idea.

Chuuya :- Fufu giving up already !!

Kunikida :- No. Can't hear a thing.

Oda :- If you win then dazai canned crab for you, atsushi chazuke for you ,for kenji a beef bowl and kunikida i'll buy you a new diary.

Dazai :- I feel a power burning up inside me. Let's do this .

Kenji :- Yes .

Kunikida :- One two three pull.

Mori :- With this team A is the winner.

Fukuzawa :- Next we have the 400m relay race.

Mori :- In team A we have atsushi, kyouka ,yosano and dazai. And in team B we have akutagawa, gin , kouyou and chuuya

Atsushi :- Kyouka chan you'll be able to do this right.

Kyouka :- Yes. First i'll make the opponent run slow using my feminine wiles then run as fast as i can.

Atsushi :- Kyouka chan NO. Just run as fast as you can okay.

Akutagawa :- Jinko even though we're dating i'll win this against you to show dazai san my worth.

Atsushi :-Ahh but aku won't it mean that dazai san would loose.

Aku :- OHH ohh shit * internal crises *

Mori :- Okay so now the race begins.

Fukuzawa :- On the starting line we have akutagawa and atsushi . One,two three start.

Mori :- So atsushi has taken the lead but akutagawa is right behind . Looks like the man-tiger is dead today. And YES he is ahead of atsushi .

Fukuzawa :- Now akutagawa has reached the line and next from team B is gin . Ohh atsushi has also reached and kyouka has started running . Indeed it's a tough competition.

Mori :- Okay there's a tie between the two and now both yosano and kouyou have started running.

Meanwhile kouyou and yosano during the race

Yosano :- Hey what about a sleepover.

Kouyou :- At your house !?

Yosano :- Uh-huh.

Kouyou :- Well sounds like plan

Yosano :- Okay then i'll go in front , can't afford to loose.

Kouyou :- Sure bit i am sure we will win. I trust chuuya

Mori :- Ok yosano has reached the spot and dazai has started running. Right behind her is kouyou.

Fukuzawa :- Kouyou has reached and chuuya has started running. I wonder who'll win.

Chuuya * catching upto dazai in 1 second * :- Hehe shitty mackerel thought you could beat me . Well see you later.

Mori :- Woah unexpected turn of events . Well not that unexpected but chuuya has taken the lead and is heading towards the finish line . And the winner is chuuya that is team B.




And so with many such events the sports day came to an end . And obviously it was a tie between team A and B.

Dazai :- Ohh man. What a tiring day.

Kunikida :- Seriously . You didn't take part in any of the events after the relay race.

Dazai :- I was tired kunikida kun ~

Kunikida :- Next year we will win.

Atsushi :- Yes . We'll give our best

And the generous oda sensei treated the boys with whatever he had promised.

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