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Akutagawa :- Here a letter from your admirer .

Atsushi :- You didn't had to this akutagawa.

Akutagawa :- *smirks* Huhh who said i took the postman offer for you. I did it for myself

Atsushi :- Tch you and your evil schemes. Let's go to the cafetaria for now. I'll see it later.

Atsushi keeps the letter on his table and leaves the classroom . Just then a certain man with violet eyes reaches for atsushi's desk.

"Hmm a letter . Interesting."

After lunch break kyouka and lucy enter their classroom to find a huge crowd near their tables.

"Ohh so she wrote a love letter"

"That's so cliche bro ."

"And that to for that white-haired guy . I mean people are already suspecting that guy to be- "

Lucy :- "Please shift . What are you all doing. Move."

Lucy somehow reaches her table just to find that some of the guys had got her letter. She, nearly teary eyed , snatches the letter from her classmates and runs outside.

Kyouka :- "Lucy wait."

Kyouka runs behind lucy.

Atsushi and akutagawa were in the class next to their. They notice that something was wrong. As soon as akutagawa opens the door he bumps into a crying lucy. She gives him a glare and starts running again. Akutagawa notices the letter in a tattered state and senses that something was wrong. He leaves atsushi and followes behind her .

 He then finds her sobbing in a small alley .

Lucy :-  "Why why are you here. Haven't you have enjoyed yourself enough that you have come to watch me cry. I even agreed to your deal but still you did this. Disgusting."

Akutagawa :- "Lucy atleast li-"

Lucy :- "I don't want to listen to any of your excuses. You can leave now."

Akutagawa :- "But -"

Lucy :- " I SAID LEA-"

Atsushi - "It's not akutagawa's fault."


During Akutagawa's last moments he was reading the Bible, but he told a friend earlier in his life that "I can believe in the devil..." but it was difficult for him to believe in God, in Christ his son, and in the miracles Christ worked. This struggle within himself and his searching for something through religion is most likely the reason that Akutagawa and Hawthorne fought and had that interesting conversation in the beginning of the Guild arc:

"For most BSD fans I am assuming it is obvious after reading The Scarlet Letter why Nathaniel Hawthorne is depicted as extremely religious. The Scarlet Letter's central themes of sin, knowledge of right and wrong, and the nature of evil are based in Christianity. Akutagawa's connection to Christianity is more obscure. Take a look at this scene from episode 18:

Akutagawa: This sea breeze is suffocating. Let's get this over with quickly.

Hawthorne: Are you a Port Mafia assassin?

Akutagawa: How are you feeling, irmão of the Guild?

Hawthorne: Pretty awful. A bit like I've had a run-in with diablo spoken of in the Bible. May I ask your name?

Akutagawa: Diablo.

Hawthorne: Then this must be Mount Hermon. Are you a trial sent to test this humble servant's faith in God?

Akutagawa: Is it a trial you want? Then I'll give you one!

Hawthorne: Do not call me "irmão." I am a minister, not some relic of ancient Rome! Do not think that will be enough to test my faith, you trash! Repent, little guy of the Port Mafia!

Akutagawa: Interesting!

Irmão: Portuguese word for "brother" which is a member of a Christian religious institute or religious order who commits himself to following Christ

Diablo: Spanish for "devil"

Mount Hermon: also called the Mount of Transfiguration, the the location in the Bible where Satan tempts Christ

So basically Hawthorn views Akutagawa as the devil coming to tempt him, and Akutagawa is more than happy to go along with that view

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