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Nikolai :- Dos kun dos kun do you know much i got in the test.

Fyodor * reading his book * :- No i don't .

Nikolai :- Hahaa i knew it. I got 69/100.

Fyodor *still reading his book * :- ohh wow nikolai


Fyodor :- So how much you got this time ?

Nikolai *ohh wow dos kun is taking interest in my thing. How rare * :- 69/100.

Fyodor :- Ohh nice.


Nikolai :- Dos kun don't you wanna know how much i got this time.

Fyodor :- 69/100 again.

Nikolai :- Hahaaa you know me so well dos-kun. I made a hat-trick isn't it amazing.

Fyodor :- Yes nikolai you are such a genius * clap clap clap *

Nikolai * hands on his neck with a goofy smile * :- Hahaa it's nothing dos-kun. You are making me blush.


Dostoyevsky wrote to pay off his gambling debts. He faced financial struggles throughout his life, due in no small part to what a modern psychologist would have deemed a debilitating gambling addiction. In one particular incident, he agreed to write a novel to pay off his debts, agreeing to a contract that would give his publisher that rights to all of Dostoyevsky's previously published work for nine years if he failed to produce a novel by November 1 of that year.

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