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"Ahh we just stayed here one day . I wanted to try other suicide methods too." Dazai whined as they all packed their bags to leave.

Chuuya :- "Shut up bandage waste , we are leaving in five minutes"

Dazai pouted and started packing . After a while they got up on the bus and left the beach. This time dazai and chuuya were sitting behind atsushi and akutagawa ( their relationship was already exposed by dazai the very same night). Chuuya was looking out of the window thinking about something and dazai was listening to the chattering of the two love birds siting infront of him.

Atsushi :- " Aku you look cute when you are angry. "

Akutagawa replied with a slight blush on his cheeks :- " What are you talking about. I am always angry. "

Atsushi :- " Aww that's what i am talking about. " he said with a smile and hugged the other one.

'Akutagawa is back to his old self ' dazai thought and turned to look at his chibi. Then an idea struck him. He snickered and tapped on the shorter male's shoulder.

Dazai :- " Oi chibi , you look cute because you are so short . "

Chuuya :- " Huhhh what did you say. "

Dazai :- " I said you're short-"

Even before dazai could complete his sentence , chuuya kicked him out of his seat . "I am fifteen and still growing." he yelled at dazai who got up and sat again beside the angry ginger just to get hit on his forehead ." Don't you ever say that again or else i'll kill you.HMPH." He turned towards the window , lost in his thoughts again.

"This was not as expected." He mumbled as he heard someone laughing in front of him. He got up and saw akutagawa and atsushi trying to supress a laugh miserably. He gave them a death glare and sat back on his seat again.

Dazai :- "Hey chuuya, i want to ask something." he said in a serious tone.

Chuuya :- " If you are going to blabber about my height again then i'll throw you out of the window. "

Dazai :- " No not that. I want to ask about something else. "

Chuuya :- " Then ask "

Dazai :- " Why did you leave Sheep school ?? "

Chuuya :- " Ahh about that i haven't told anyone yet ......... but you ............... i think i can tell you . "

Dazai :- " Go on "

Chuuya :- " So you know back then yuna , shirase , me and few others had formed a small group. No one from our school had a problem with us but there were guys from other school who used to pick a fight on us. Normally we beat them up if they went too far."

Dazai :- "According to me you must be the only one who crushed them. Others were just their to watch i guess. "

Chuuya :- " Hahaa you are right. So one day we had a fight with this kid from some school and apparently he was the son of some hot shot politician . He came to our school with his parents the next day and complained about us . The principal decided to suspend all of us for an entire year as a punishment ."

Dazai :- " But you took the entire blame on yourself and asked the principal to stop the suspension of others and in return you'll leave the school."

Chuuya :- " UH-HUH" he said barely audible.

Dazai :- " And what about yuna."

Chuuya :- " Yuna is a good friend. Back then she was quite supportive and helped me quite often ."

Dazai :- " Ohh." Then he made puppy eyes and asked " What about me ? "

Chuuya :- " EHHHHH, you , you are a piece of shit."

Dazai :- " Noo tell me seriously , yuna or me ?"

Chuuya :- " Tch , normally i'd say your name without hesitation, but i feel like this is going somewhere and i don't like it so yuna."

Dazai :- " Chuuuyaaaaaaa ~ this isn't right. "

Chuuya :- " Why you wanna fight ? "

Dazai :- " I'll start talking about your height. "

Kyouka :- " Ohh look there's a kite ."

Akutagawa :- " Jinko , you wanna bite ?? "

( Jinko.exe has stopped working )

Yosano :- " Akutagawa, wait till it's night. "

Tachihara :- " Such activities are prohibited in the light. "

Naomi :- " I'll hold onto onii-sama tight. "

Ranpo :- " I think it will happen tonight. "

Higuchi * on the verge of tears* :- " I just lost my eyesight. "

Oda sensei :- " Ohh what a lovely site. "

Dazai :- " Guys i don't like where this is going . AND THIS MY PERSONAL CONVO SO STOP FUCKING MAKING RHYMES . "

Kunikida * waking up and looking at his watch not knowing anything * :- " Okay guys it's almost time."

Everyone :- ................








Meanwhile kunikida confused asf :- " Huh did i miss something ?? " 


According to the first official guidebook:                                                                                        

○ He recently spends his time doing nothing.

○ He has an irregular sleeping pattern and doesn't sleep much.

○ He feels that he should think about new ways to harass Chuya in case they got paired up again.

○ He thinks that everything is his strengths

○ His ideal type is any person who is willing to commit double suicide with him.

○ His motto is "Have a pure, cheerful, and energetic suicide."

○ According to him, there were no times when he thought he was dying the most.

According to the second official guidebook:                                                                                 

○ His favorite type of woman is a woman who doesn't ask any questions.

○ His favorite motto is "Death is a part of life."

○ What he felt about the title of youngest executive: "It wasn't something I was aiming for, so I didn't feel anything."

○ His memorable experience at the bar "Lupin": "When the master remembered the three of us and our favorite drinks."

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