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The petite male stood on his tip toes and covered the brunet's eyes " Now on the count of three open your eyes okay "




Chuuya removed his hands just then firecrackers started bursting in the silent, dark sky. Both of them watched as different lights brightened their face. When the show was over they turned towards each other.

Dazai :- " Chuuya i- "

Chuuya :- " I know you like it that's why i brought you here today. "

"Chuuyaaaaaaaa~ " dazai whined and jumped at chuuya hugging tightly as tears flowed from his eyes.

Chuuya :- "Idiot why are you crying ? " he said coming out of the brunet's embrance.

Dazai :- " It's just... that... umm nothing "

"Stupid" chuuya laughed and sat on the ground. While dazai sat beside him. Eventually the fireworks also stopped leaving the open night sky.

Dazai :- " Wow there are so many stars today . "

Chuuya :- " It's said that if we wish to a falling star it becomes true. "

"You believe in that " dazai said turning towards chuuya .

Chuuya :- " Maybe why don't we find out. "




Dazai :- " So what did you wish for. "

Chuuya :- " It doesn't work like that dazai "

Dazai :- " If you're not telling then i've my own methods to find out. "

Chuuya :- " Ohh really. Then try it . "

Dazai took chuuya's hand in his hand and brought it near him. He took a deep breath, closed his eyes and then rested his forehead on the ginger's little hand .

Chuuya looked at him in shock but didn't say anything . After a few minutes the brunet slowly opened his eyes , smiled at the ginger and said " Ahh i see "




Dazai :- " Chuuyaaaaaaaa~ after all that hiking i am so tired. " he said on his way back.

By the time they reached the spot where everyone was , they had already left. So they decided to come back home together.

Chuuya :- " Stop whining about it. Didn't you enjoy it !? "

"That i can't deny " dazai said with a genuine smile that hardly anybody had seen.

Chuuya :- " Okay then thanks for coming with me till here. Be safe on your way and text me when you reach home. " he said while opening the gate of his house

Dazai suddenly grabbed his hand and pulled the ginger closer to him.

Chuuya :- " What "

Dazai :- " If ... i ............"

Chuuya :- "..."

Dazai :- " No it's nothing . I'll tell you sometime later. "

Chuuya smiled and hit him lightly on his chest with his fist " I'll be waiting for you. "

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