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Chuuya and dazai on their way home.

Dazai :- Oi chibi , wanna hear what i did today ??

Chuuya :- No , i am not interested in the stupid shit you do.

Dazai :- CHUUYAAAAA please.

Chuuya :- Fine tell.

Dazai :- I stole kunikida's notebook of ideals .

Chuuya :- Then

Dazai :- I kept it in yosano's bag

Chuuya :- Ohh

Dazai :- And then i kept all of yosano's science experiment tools in kunikida's cupboard.

Chuuya :- Good




Chuuya :- Huhh CHOTTO MATTE it means you were the main reason for their fight.

Dazai :- YeS I wAs .

Chuuya :- Are you an idiot. You stupid bandage wasting machine . Didn't you stop them.



Dazai and Chuuya worked together on one literary project, The Blue Flower magazine:

It was at about this time that a friend from school asked me if I'd be interested in helping start a little literary magazine. I was more or less indifferent. I said I'd be willing to do it if he'd call the magazine The Blue Flower. What started as a joke soon became a reality. Kindred spirits appeared from near and far. With two fellows in particular I became quite close. This is how I burned up, if you will, the last of my youthful passions. A mad dance on the eve of death. Together we'd get drunk and take apart feeble-minded students. There were fallen women we loved like our own flesh and blood...The Blue Flower, a magazine of belles-lettres, came out in December. After one issue, all the other members dispersed, fed up with our crazed, directionless frenzy.

- Dazai Osamu, "Eight Scenes from Tokyo," Self Portraits: Tales of Japan's Great Decadent Romantic Dazai Osamu page 159

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