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Dazai and chuuya accidently reach for the door knob together.

Dazai :- What you wanna hold hands .

Chuuya :- No bro that's gay.

Dazai :- Huhh what

Chuuya :-Nothing, anyways meet me downstairs after school.

Dazai :- There's nothing to hide slug. If you want to confess to me just do it right now.

Chuuya :- Tch, after school.


Dazai :- What is it chuuya, i was so excited that i couldn't even pay attention in the class.

Chuuya :- Ohh i see , well here hold this . I have cleaning duty and you are helping. *hands the broom *

Dazai :- *cries in nakahara*


Dazai hated dogs so much he wrote a story about it:

I have confidence when it comes to dogs. I'm confident that eventually I'll be bitten by one. I have no doubt that one day a dog will sink its teeth into my flesh. I'm confident in it. In fact, it amazes me that I've managed to get by unscathed until now. Dogs, dear reader, are ferocious beasts. Is it not said that they've been known to bring down horses and to do battle with, and even defeat, the mighty lion? Small wonder, I say, nodding sadly to myself. Just look at those teeth. Long, sharp fangs like that are no to be scoffed at. On the street we see dogs.

- Dazai Osamu, Canis familiaris

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