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Oda sensei :- "Good morning students. Today two new students will join us."

He looks at the door and points at someone to come in.

Oda sensei :- "Come inside and introduce yourselves."

Dazai looked at the door not quite interested as a girl little shorter than him entered the classroom. She was thin,pale with medium sized pink hair with a messy bun at the side.Behind her was a silver haired boy whose hair were parted from the middle . He was also about the same height as that of the girl.They looked towards chuuya and waved at him. Dazai noticed that chuuya instantly waved back looking quite happy about it. He knew that they were aquainted but question was how .

The new girl :- "Hi everyone my name is Yuna . I am from Sheep school . I hope to make friends with all of you."

The boy :- " Hello everyone my name is Shirase . I am also from Sheep school. Let's get to know each other."

"Ahh sheep " dazai thought "so they are from the same grade school as chuuya . Fuck it why does this guy had to go to so many school couldn't he join just one of ours. Damn it. "

Oda sensei :- "Okay , that's all for introduction since you are from nakahara's old school go and sit infront of him. I think that will help you to know other students as well."

"Yes sensei" yuna and shirase said together and went to their assigned seat.

Oda sensei :- " And dazai kun i hope you won't create any problems for the new kids."

Dazai smirked and said :- "Yeah sure uncle OOPS i mean sensei."

Oda gave him a glare and then sighed as he turned towards the blackboard and started teaching.

Yuna turned back and said :- " Hey chuuya long time no see. You don't know how much we missed you. After you left the whole group was shattered." She sighed as she kept her hands on chuuya's.

"Ahh this bitch" dazai thought as he kept staring at girl and her actions.

Chuuya :- "Yeah i know i am sorry ." he said pain visible on his face as he regretted leaving them behind but he had to.

Yuna :- "Okay nevermind. But from tomorow can i sit with you . That way you'll be able to help with the pending work"

Chuuya :- " Ohh no . It's better this way . Plus i have to keep this dumbass in check.You don't know him one second he's here and the other second you'll find him jumping off a clif." He said as he pointed towards dazai.

Yuna :- " But chuuuyyaaaa" the girl said with shock not expecting such an answer from chuuya.

Dazai :- " That's enough-"


Dazai was a member of the Buraiha literary school, along with Sakaguchi Ango, Oda Sakunosuke, and Dan Kazuo:

Soon after the war ended in 1945 a group of writers, all of whom had acquired something of a reputation before the ward, began to publish works of fiction that set them off from other postwar writers and gave them an identity of their own. The membership of this group was never clearly defined. Three writers - Dazai Osamu, Sakaguchi Ango, and Oda Sakunosuke - undoubtedly belonged to the group, and others, including Dazia's 'disciple' Tanaka Hidemitsu, Ishikawa Jun, and even Itō Sei, the Modernist, were at various times identified with it

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