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Atsushi joined them from behind after listening to the entire incident from kyouka.

Atsushi :- It was my fault that i kept your letter open on the table. I am sorry . I didn't knew anything like this would happen.

Lucy *sobbing* :-  "You don't have to be. It was my fault from the beginning."

Akutagawa turns towards atsushi keeps his hand on his shoulder and says " Comfort her. She needs you right now. I'll leave for now." He turns and heads back to the classroom, leaving atsushi and a crying lucy behind.

Atsushi :- "Lucy i respect your feeling towards me and it makes me happy that you love someone like me. But i am sorry i can't return your feelings."

Lucy :- "Why why would you ??"

Atsushi :- ...

Lucy :- " Is it ... is it because of akutagawa ??"

Atsushi picks up her letter , folds it neatly and returns it to lucy. He then smiles and says :- " You can say so."

Lucy :- "So does that mean you like him ??"

Atsushi :- "I don't know what's your definition of like is but there is a certain promise we have to keep forever ."

Lucy :- " Promise ??"

Atsushi :-  "Yes that we'll always be together and help out each other no matter if we are friends or enemies at that time, and no one can replace that and you never know what happens in the future." he said with a smile.

Lucy :- "Ohh i see , i am sorry."she said looking at the floor.

Atsushi :- "Don't be lucy . We are still friends and there's no need to be guilty for loving someone right. And as for now let's return to our classroom before the teachers come and find us. "he said as he held out his hand to support lucy.

Lucy :- "Yes ... You are right." She held his hand and they went back to their respective classes.


It is perhaps inevitable that Nakajima Atsushi should be compared with Akutagawa, since they resemble each other closely in their delicate health and fastidious spirit (perhaps based on stoicism), extraordinary memory and knowledge, bashful disposition, and self-consciousness and self-respect; on this latter point Akutagawa was perhaps more extreme, as well as being more the dandy and cynic.

- Akira Miwa, Translator's Preface in Nakajima Atsushi's Light, Wind, and Dreams 

A/N:- I know what you guys wanna say

In this fic almost all characters are gay

Also they are ooc, i know, i know

But please spare me and let it go   TwT

*Claps* *cries* *claps* *cries* *claps* *cries*

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