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Akutagawa :- " Ahem , so it's my turn . Then tachi truth or dare "

Tachihara :- " Truth ... i am not capable of doing such dares. "

Akutagawa :- " Then since gin and you are dating . Why don't you tell how much you like her. "

Higuchi :- " Yes yes , you two are always fighting finally we'll see some cute moments. "

Tachihara stood along with gin and motioned her to stand in the middle while he got down on his one knee holding her hand " Gin , even though we've known each other only for a few years it seems like an eternity has passed and honestly they have been the best years of my life. Everything you do makes me fall in love with you even more and i am so grateful that you're a part of my life. Whenever the thought of the future comes to my mind, you being there with me is more than enough to pass through it's challenge. I love you. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH GIN."

Gin blushed heavily at his words and leaned down hugging him tightly. She buried her head into his chest and whispered softly " I love you too bakahara "

It was silent for a few minutes as everyone was shocked. Soft sobs broke the silence as everyone turned their head to see kenji and kyoua crying.

"It was so beautiful " kenji whimpered as he started slow clapping and everyone joined him.

Dazai :- " To be honest i never expected such a thing . "

Tachihara :- " The words came out on their own. Well next up kyouka truth or dare."

Kyouka :- " Truth "

Tachihara :- " Tell us one thing that you haven't told anyone yet . "

Kyouka :- " When akutagawa and atsushi were confessing dazai san was hiding in a bush and eating popcorn while watching them. " she said in a monotone.


Atsushi :- " But what were you doing there kyouka chan ? "

Dazai :- " Leave it we'll talk about that later. " he said cutting those two off and turned towards kyouka " okay kyouka chan you're turn "

At that moment chuuya got up and when to the bathroom leaving his hat behind.

Kyouka :- " Dazai san truth or dare ? "

Dazai :- " Hmph dare "

Kyouka :- " You have to hide chuuya san's hat "

Everyne giggled while dazai's face turned from confident to shocked. He knew what would happen if he touched the ginger's precious hat.

"No you can't back out now. " kyouka said smiling at him.

Dazai hid the hat behind him and covered it with a pillow. After a moments , chuuya returned and found his hat missing.

Chuuya :- " Where's my hat ? "

Dazai :- " You looking for something chibi ? "


Dazai :- " No i didn- "

Chuuya grabbed dazai's collar and said " JUST GIVE IT BACK BEFORE I KILL YOU " .

Dazai :- "Okay okay here it is " he gave his hat back knowing it would only cause him trouble if he took it any further."It was just a dare . "

Chuuya :- " Yeah whatever "

Dazai :- " So poe kun truth or dare "

Poe :- " dare "

Dazai :- " Hmm... you have confess to your crush right here right now. "

Poe :- " uh...umm " he hesitated a bit.

Chuuya :- " Come on poe . We are all friends , you can do this "

Poe looked shyly at the floor as he thought about something then said " So me and my crush have a song and i'll play that . That way he'll come to know about it. " He said this any typed something furiosly on the keypad. After a while the song started playing which he skipped until it reached a certain part. It played

Should i try to hide the way i feel inside my heart for you ?

Would you say that you would try to love me too ?

In your mind could you ever be really close to me ?

Ranpo's eyes opened wide as he listened to the lyrics. Thousands of memories came rushing to his mind as he moved towards poe. He reached for the phone and lowered the volume .

"Poe ... do you like me ? "

"Y-yes ranpo kun "

"You're not kidding right ? "

"No not at all. " he said and was shocked as ranpo jumped on him like a little kid and hugged him tightly.

"I like you too poe "

" Yayy mission accomplished " dazai yelled bringing both of them back to reality.

Ranpo :- " I already know that this truth and dare game was all a plan of yours dazai. "

Dazai :- " So the great ranpo kun already knew about it but still played along." *Smirks*

Ranpo :- " Well i had to get my confession. " he looked at poe who seemed confused and said to him " I'll tell you on the way back. "

Just then oda entered the room and said " Kids now you should go home. Your parents must be worried "

All of them left leaving dazai alone in his room. He plopped on the bed wondering about the day he would finally confess to his ginger.


The real life Ranpo edogawa's birthname is Hirai Tarō (平井 太郎).

He is named after the Japanese author, ranpo edogawa , who also played a significant role in developing Japanese mystery fiction. His name is a pun on , edgar allan poe whom he admired. This admiration is inversed in the series.

Ranpo seems unable to sleep if it is pitch black.

Ranpo is the only known "ability user" whose ability name is not a reference to a work of the author they are named after. This is an early hint to the fact that it is not an ability at all and he is not an ability user.

Though Ranpo's father is never named, both his job as a detective and the famous cases he has solved imply that he may have been directly inspired by Akechi Kogoro, the detective who Ranpo Edogawa often focused his detective fiction around.

According to the second official guidebook:

-He spends his leisure time these days by going to Poe's house, eat some candy, and go home.

-His average bedtime and waking time: "I don't have a specific time, but I usually go to bed at 9pm and wake up at 7am."

-My honest thoughts when I found out I wasn't an ability-user:"I was trying not to notice...

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