Chapter One "Back where it all started"

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"MEME!!" A teenager with brown hair and hazel eyes shouted. He was wearing a bright orange colour sweater and a pair of black jeans. He quickly ran towards the body which was now covered with blood. "No,No,No..." the teenager was now in front of the body checking for a pulse. When he didn't felt one, he immediately burst into tears. "Please! Don't leave me! Everyone already died! It was just you and me! And now..."

"I'm all alone...." He whispered,tears still running down from his cheeks.

His head suddenly was in pain and vision started to be blurring. He suddenly could heard all his friends whispers in his ears ringing but can't make out what were the words. Just before he passed out, he could felt a sharp pain in his chest. And that when he knew...

He was stabbed in the chest by the murderer.

[20th June 2020,Sunday]
{8:00 a.m.}

Socks suddenly woke up and sat up from his bunk bed. Socks was a teenager who lived in a apartment with his two other friends which he met since middle school. He slept on the bottom bunk while one of his friend,Meme slept on the top bunk. Panicking,he looked around to see he is in his room but wasn't he just crying cause of Meme's death and got stabbed in the chest. "Why am I not dead!? I literally got stabbed!" Socks thought.

Socks looked down to see himself wearing his orange shirt and a shorts,no bandages or anything that could said he just got stabbed in the chest. He slowly got up from his bed and looked at the clock on the wall. '8:03 a.m.' He was about to check his friend that was on the top bunk when the door suddenly burst open which made Socks jumped a bit.

"There you are,Socks! Thought I'm gonna have to wake you up with a water bucket again"

Socks turned his head towards the door as he heard the familiar voice. His friend,Meme was leaning against the door frame wearing a blue hoodie and dark blue jeans.

"M-Meme?" Socks was in shocked. He remembered seeing him dead on the ground with blood all over his body. And now he was standing in front of him perfectly fine.

"Ya-?" Meme raised a eyebrow at him.

"D-Didn't y-you just d-d-died-?" Socks asked,still shocked seeing one of his best friends was alive.

"You really wish for me to be dead,huh? Socks,I think I had to banned you for playing too much Minecraft" Meme exclaimed. "Well,you better hurry up or else we're gonna be late for our vacation with the others" Meme said as he walked away,leaving a shocked Socks in the room.

"Vacation-?" Socks mumbled. He didn't knew anything about vacation with the others, he didn't even knew what was happening.

A moment he was stabbed in the chest and then now he was going on a vacation with the others? "I'm probably dreaming-."he thought.

While he was walking towards the washroom,he walked pass the calendar which was hanging on the wall. He curiously checked the date and was surprised he saw the number. '20th June 2020'

"Wasn't it supposed to be '27th June 2020'?" Socks mumbled. Then,it hit him. Today was the day where his friends and himself were going on a vacation on a private island that one of his friends brought. (Don't ask how he could afford it ;-; )

"Holy Jeez- I traveled back in time!" Socks exclaimed. He was surprised for a few seconds but soon turned into horror.

He remembered that today was also the day where it all started. Today was the day where they were stuck on an island with no other people that themselves with the murderer.

"Oh no-! I need to-." Socks said but soon stopped at the sight of his other best friend in front of him. The friend he thought he never could see him again after he got killed.

"Hey,Socks! You been staring at the calendar for a quite long time" Blaza said. He was wearing his orange bear hoodie as usual.

Socks couldn't said a word. He didn't how to felt right now. Surprise? Happy? Shock? He just wanted to hug him but soon forced himself not to since he knew he was in the past right now.

"Are you okay,Socks?" Blaza sudden asked,snapping him out of his thoughts.

"Y-Ya..." Socks paused. "I'm just too excited about our vacation..."

"Ok. Well,you better hurry clean yourself up. Laff will come pick us up at 8:30 a.m." Blaza said as he walked away to the kitchen.

As soon he was nowhere in Socks's sight, tears started running down his cheeks uncontrollably.

He quickly ran into the washroom and locked the door. He looked into the mirror and saw his reflection.

He stood there for five minutes and finally went for a bath to calm himself down.

He saw his two dead best friends.

That means he will see the others soon too which were all dead when the last time he saw them.

He was in the past.

"Wait- if I'm in the past,does that mean I can prevent them from dying by the murderer?" Socks thought.

He quickly dressed himself in his orange sweater and blue jeans and ran into the kitchen.

He need to stop them for going on the boat which lead them to the private island.

Welp- first chapter done!

Summary: After the black out, Socks woke up in his room to see his two best friends were alive but soon realised he was in the past.

Hope you all enjoy!

Words Count: 966

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