president attack?

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Kristen (kris) Sciuto

Sister of Abby

Who she looks like (Kristen Stewart)

Love interest (idk you tell me)

She is an agent that can do forensics and can help with ducky

I woke up got dressed into my pants and matching jacket with a white tank top

I put on my black combat boots on and left to go to headquarters

Dinozzo told me to get ready for a flight and he will catch me up on our way

We got ducky and his stuff to leave

We got there struggling to move ducky's things

Toni started to list off stations that have private jets, I rolled my eyes as Gibbs chose to ask him to drive for a joke

'it's humiliating' Toni exclaimed dropping stuff

"Hey we're LEO's" I stated so we could get past

'I'm Capricorn' the guy cheerfully replied

Oh god I thought

'No were Leos stands for law enforcement officer' Toni explained

We showed him our badges

'You new at this Dennis' Gibbs asked

'First week' Dennis stated happily 'NCIS never heard of it'

'that's embarrassing' Gibbs said to Toni

'Is NCIS anything like CSI' he asked

'Only if you're dyslexic' Toni said I hit his shoulder 'ow' he said pointing at me

'Ok you can go around the metal detector but the suitcases have to go through the scanner' Dennis said

'Wait you're allowing us to bring guns on a plan but the suitcases have to go through a scanner?' Gibbs chuckled

'You have permits for the weapons but not the bags' he answered back

Fair point I thought

'We really need our own jet' Toni said

'Dennis! Those bags are mine' ducky shouted

At this point I wasn't listening I was just trying not to drop ducky's things

Dennis allowed us through and we got on the plane

We got on the air force one plane and ducky got examining the dead guy

Ducky got everyone out and called us his assistants

'Wait not all three of you are assistants' Fornell said

'No, your right I'm the intern those two are the assistants' I explained

This women said how he died

'How is the president?' dinnozo said

'Hes fine he was cleared' she said

'Was it gradual or sudden' I asked

'sudden' she replied 'doctor on board said stroke'

'that's a bit young' Toni said

'Looks natural to me they can have the body if they sign for it' ducky said

They went out to sign the forms

'Toni show pilot your credentials get the plane going kris bag and tag the things in the bodies pockets' Gibbs said

''hey!'' I shouted at Toni ''cockpits on top deck''

'I knew that' he said going upstairs

I bagged the things then went to bag the lunch they had

We took off and I walked through and told Toni to catch me up and tell me why we lifted off

I went back to bagging and tagging stuff

I walked back with Gibbs after they walked next to them

Gibbs said rule one doesn't allow more than one suspect in one room, rule two always wear gloves at a crime scene and rule three don't believe what you're told double check

Kate ran to throw up we chased her

I chilled out until Todd got the call to hand the body over

We joined over with Toni who was investigating the cooks

Toni went in a body bag so we could have the body

When we got back me and Toni headed to the guys apartment

Once we got back from the apartment we headed to Abby

We showed her what we got but I was half-asleep

'What are you going to do while I'm testing them' she asked

''help you'' I said

'Stay and wait' tone said

'there's a foot-on in the back' she said

'Bless you' Toni said going in the back

''since when and why didn't you tell me''

'Because you wouldn't of told Toni and rushed so you could sleep' she said

''touché '' I said

We went to work and I got really tired

'Go in the back too' Abby said

''thank you'' I yawned and went in the back

I tried to steal a pillow from Toni but he woke up

'What you doing' he asked tired

''getting a pillow so I can sleep on the floor'' I replied

'there's enough room here' he yawned shifting so there was space

''fine but if one of us fall it's your fault'' I said


I fell asleep

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