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''dinozzo! Kristen!'' gibbs shouts 

we jump up 

''check up on abby she should have something by now'' he said 

we get up and slowly make our way to the elevator 

(15 mins in im done)

we get there to see my sister changing here picture frame 

''What happened to the sad end to a Drain-O drinker?'' Toni asked 

''I did a new one. Art can't stand still, Tony.'' she said looking at here new art 

''It was my favourite. So, what's the new one?'' i say 

''Self-inflicted gunshot wound to the abdomen.'' she said 

''Of course!'' toni said 

''I'm gonna call it "Blast from the Future". I figure with my shotgun shattered backbone I've got like a Chagall feeling going on.'' abby told us

''Ah, in a Manson Family way.'' i say 

''Yeah!'' she exclaimed happily 

gibbs and Kate enter the lab and we got back to the desks 

''Abby, you have my tox screen results?'' gibbs asked 

''Yup, right over here.'' she started walking to her computer ''The victim tested positive for percocet and vicodin. Double your pleasure.'' 

''Double your fun.'' Toni said and i hit him 

''What kind of levels?'' gibbs asked 

''He was slow juiced, like a koala bear. My guess is that he popped right before he dropped.'' abby said 

''The Marines we questioned in his string probably knew.'' gibbs said 

''Why didn't they tell us?'' kate asked 

''Semper Fi. You rat, you fry.'' Gibbs gives Abby a look. ''Sorry.''

''they were buddys and they work together is a one for all and all for one if you liked one another you kept your mouth shut if you didnt-'' i said 

''you didnt like them in the first place'' toni finished 

''Was his reserve chute okay?'' gibbs asked 

''Yeah, it was perfect. All he had to do was pop it.'' abby said 

''Well he might have, if his reflexes weren't slowed by opioids.'' kate said 

''Opioids?'' toni questioned 

''General term for opiates and synthetic analgesics.'' i say 

''Go Kate and Kris!'' she said fist bumping us

''You sure you were a Baltimore cop?'' gibbs asked 

Toni made a face. Abby and myself smirked and i patted toni's for his comfort 

''Okay, he was too juiced to pop his reserve.'' kate said 

''Maybe. Maybe not. Pump adrenalin when you jump. Your main chute doesn't open, it would really kick in to high gear.'' i say 

''Kris, if he had the reflexes to use it, why didn't he?'' she said 

''I don't know.'' i said 

''What you'd find from the shroud lines of his main chute?'' gibbs asked 

Abby walks into her other lab area. Everyone follows. 

''Fibre disintegration, but not from textile fatigue. It's fluorescing as some sort of cleaning agent.'' abby runs a UV light over the broken lines ''But that didn't cause this kind of damage.'' 

His Agent - Abbys Sister Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now