just like the movie

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'whats up' gibbs said over

'major kerry is dead police found his car on a street in Georgetown' toni said

'abby and ducky will update you' I said

'another stroke?' gibbs asked

'im afraid so. But this time there is multiple embolic infarctions the major must of received a high dose of what was given to the commander' ducky explained

'dose of what abby' gibbs asked

'its venom from a coastal taipan' she said 'its a highly toxic aussie snake well this junk jabs the nervous system and it clots the blood' she said 'you convulse then you stroke' she concluded

'the toxin is almost impossible to detect' ducky said

'the truth is abby wouldve discovered it if we hadnt distracted her while she was A-L-S-ing the uniform' toni said

'the venom was in the uniform?' gibbs asked

'yeah I found traces of DMSO in the collars and the cuffs I think it was laced with the venom so it would absorb through the skin' abbys said

'major kerri was the main target but he came down with the flu and didn't put his uniform on until yesterday' I explained

'how did the terrorists get the poison into the uniforms?' gibbs asked

'well they both have tags from dry dock cleaners on 19th street' abby said

'DiNozzo kris, why are you sitting there on your asses? Get a team and go hit that dry cleaners.' gibbs said

We look behind us at the director

'I've passed that baton on to the FBI. This has all the earmarks of Al-Qaeda; unexpected, well planned, brilliantly executed. But to what end?' morrow said

'Wouldn't surprise me to hear Bin Laden on Al-Jazeera bragging about how he iced the President's Ball carriers.' toni said

'I don't think that's what he wants to brag about.' I said

'neither do I' morrow agreed

Gibbs signed off and we went back to work

We ended up doing the paper work for the attempt on the presidents life and gibbs went home

I left work around half ten for the next day

"Pizza?" Toni asked

"On the side of beer yes please" I say

"Ha" He said

"Nah sorry Toni I needed to go hit the hay I'm exhausted" I say

"Oh so you want me to join"

I turned around put my hand on Toni chest and said

"Nice Toni, but you would be able to handle me" then I walked away "and stop looking at me like a piece of meat" I say feeling his eyes on me

His Agent - Abbys Sister Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now