deal or no deal

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we got ready and dressed for the jump

A line of paratroopers are boarding the C-130 parked outside the hanger. Tony and Gibbs, in full paratrooper regalia, join the procession. They pause when they get to the hatch.

''Hey, Cap!'' gibbs said

''Aren't you a little old to re-up?'' Faul asked

''I hear there's a war on.'' gibbs replied

''Agent DiNozzo and Scuito, I can't tell if your enlisting or just listing.'' Faul said

''haha already enlisted cap never again thank you'' i said

''Ha, ha, ha. That's a good one.'' toni said

'' We're going with you, boys. NCIS training mission.'' gibbs claimed

''Now why don't I believe that?'' Faul said Gibbs stares at him ''Hell, why not? Hate to pass up the opportunity to toss a couple of NCIS agents out of a plane.'' gives Gibbs his hand to haul him aboard

The plane takes off.

Brinkman looked at toni ''Why you jumping with us, sir?''

''Always wanted to jump.'' toni said ''Gibbs and Kris came along to laugh.''

''Hare to believe Dave killed Thumper over a lousy two-week suspension, sir.'' the marine asked

''Yeah.'' i say

''Thumper rode him, sir. But no more than the rest of us. Just doesn't make sense.'' he said

toni acted like he just noticed his reserve chute has "13" on it ''oh no!''

''What, chickening out?'' i teased

he scowled at me ''Thirteen. It's my first jump and my reserve is number thirteen?''

''Wouldn't have bothered Thumper, would it guys?'' gibbs said ''Is either of you superstitious?''

''No, sir!'' they say

''Great!''gibbs said ''Why don't you swap with Corporal Brinkman.''

''What's your reserve chute number?'' i asked

''Four.'' brinkman said

''Four?'' toni looks at Gibbs ''Four is unlucky in China.''

''We're not in China.'' i say

''I don't care.'' he said

i rolled my eyes then looked at dafelmair ''What's your number?''

''Eight.'' he said

''Great!'' he said ''Eight's lucky in China.''

Tony takes off his reserve chute and offers it to Dafelmair.

Dafelmair just looks at it.

''There a problem?'' gibbs asked

''No, sir.'' Dafelmair unhooks his reserve chute and switches it for Tony's. He stares at Gibbs the whole time.

An alarm beeps.

''Stand up!'' Faul ordered

The men grasp hands to haul each other up to their feet in the cramped space. Gibbs and Dafelmair help each other - neither looks pleased.

Dafelmair takes the lead in the string, Gibbs right behind him.

''Hook up!'' Faul shouted over the aircraft

The men hook on to the static lines and start to move forward.

''Thumper ride you, Corporal Dafelmair?'' gibbs asked

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