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''Is there anybody at your old agency you can trust?'' gibbs asked kate

''Trust to what?'' she replied

''Find out who forged these notes and where they've been circulating.'' he said 

''Shouldn't be a problem.'' she said 

''Without telling their boss.'' he added  ''Is that a problem?'' 

''Gee, now why would that be a problem?'' she said then walked away

abby knocked on the window and started signing 

''(SIGNS) I got a match!''  - abby 

''(SIGNS) Great.'' - gibbs 

 they continue as i look into the conversation 

''What are you doing?'' tony asked 

''Communicating.'' i say 

''Abby signs?''

''Yeah. Yeah, our parents were deaf.'' i say 

''Where'd you learn?'' toni asked gibbs 

''She just said that the A-K Forty Seven round that killed the Commander came from the same weapon that killed our two drug dealers.'' gibbs said 

''Yeah. Why didn't she just come out and say that?'' tony suggested 

abby came out from the gun testing ''Hey, thank you.'' he said

''That was fun, Gibbs. You still got the touch.'' abby said 

abby signs ''Oh, she's got more.'' gibbs said 

''I picked up GSR on the smuggler's hands. Their weapons were fired really recently. The Commander's was clean.'' abby said 

''They said Seadog didn't deal.'' gibbs said 

''Seadog?'' tony asked 

 Abby signs I don't know.

tony and i rush to catch the elevator with gibbs 

''Who's Seadog?'' i ask

''Did you get that reporter's number or was that just talk?'' gibbs asked 

''Gibbs...'' tony said 

''See if she's available for lunch.'' gibbs said 

'' I'd love to. Can I expense it?'' tony said 

''No, but I will.'' he replied 

''How do you sign, "I should have known?" '' tony asked me 

i sign 'you shouldve known' he just nods 

 tony gives me the number and said he doesnt want to talk to her unless its not about work 

i set the lunch up and we do research

''How was lunch?'' tony asked gibbs 

''They here yet?'' gibbs said talking about the two drug leaders

''Downstairs, waiting.'' i say going to the elevator with them

''You're not going to tell me about lunch, are you?'' tony said 

''No.'' gibbs said 

tony then tries to sign and well.....

''You should wash your hands with soap for saying that.'' gibbs said as the door closed i stifled my laughter 

we went down to ducky and saw them 

''Special Agent Gibbs. Frank Trujillo and Darryl Wilkins as requested.'' fuller said 

His Agent - Abbys Sister Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now