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Toni dragged me to his car so we could speak privately. Luckily we had an on base parking place or we'd be walking for a while.

"What is it toni?" I ask

"Gibbs is catching onto us" He said

"I know but what can we do about it" I sigh

"Tell him!" Toni said

"Me? You tell him" I say

"No I'd get shot or stabbed or choked or beat." He said "He adores you and abby you tell him"

"Or we could tell HR and when they interview gibbs they will see the shock on his face and he will tell them we work fine together and we don't need reasigned" I say

We got a knock on the door and we jump

Gibbs sits down in the backseat

"I'm not shocked" He said "you know the rules"

"Yes but-" I start

"But nothing. Now here's what will happen" He said "ill give you two more missions. If I see anything different and I don't mean flirting I mean safety wise like if someone is shot at you jump up first. You go to hr and I will have you assigned when they ask me. If nothing changes you go to HR and I say nothings changed because it hasn't" He said "or you guys break up to make it easier for everyone"

"Gibbs you can't make us break up" I say

"Then youll be probies until two weeks" He said getting out of the car and walking away

"Are you happy?" I ask "either we don't show strong feelings for eschother or we get resigned"

"You know I didn't mean to get into this" He said

"I told you this would be hard" I say "I told you we shouldn't be together because of our work"

"But look how good we are together without work" He said "We have become so close and we've learned things about eachother. I dont regret it"

"I'm not saying I regret it I'm saying I told you so" I say "I don't want to break up but if I can't take a bullet for you how am I going to work with you?" I say

"We will figure someth8ng out" He said

"No you'll figure something out I don't want to be part of this I'm going by gibbs' offer" I say walking out the car

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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