a few franklins

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i was over a toni's desk typing for him and himself over my shoulder speaking

kate walked in 

''Thanks for waiting, guys.'' kate said sarcastically 

''Chain of custody, Kate. You had to stay with the boat.'' gibbs said 

''I'm not stupid, Gibbs.'' kate said 

''Never said you were.'' gibbs said 

''i didn't have to ride on a tow truck with that boat, now did I? You do this to all the newbies or just the females.'' she asked 

''Do we look like sexists?'' toni asked 

''Ask us who's buried in Grant's tomb. It's a tougher question.'' i say looking at him face to face instead of his chin on my shoulder 

''Okay, okay, fun's over. Give me the high lights.'' gibbs said 

''Nine students from U.V.A. were having a beach party. Around zero two thirty they heard what they first thought was fireworks out on the water.'' kate started 

''gunfire.'' toni said 

''good guess, Tony. The Whaler had six holes in its stern, two in the engine housing.'' kate said 

''The Commander was running.'' i say 

''Probably from a larger boat they heard racing up the coast. About fifteen seconds later, the Mary Celeste came roaring out of the dark and onto the beach. Scared the hell out of them.'' kate said 

''What'd you find on the boat?'' gibbs asked 

"Fishing gear, bait, coffee Thermos, ham sandwich. I logged everything. Sent it to Abby." Kate stated

"No drugs?" Toni double checked

"No. Is there a drug connection?" She asked

"DEA thinks so. Two dealers floated ashore last night at Fort Story. Aerated." I say

"Well, there were no drugs on the Whaler." She said

"You sure? I knew a granny in Baltimore - hid a kilo of "H" in her horse's rectum." Toni said

"Ew" I cringed

"I think the words you're looking for is ouch and messy" Toni said I hit his arm.

"No horse on the boat, Tony. We're working a join investigation with the DEA?" She said

"Yep. Ducky's got all three bodies autopsied and Abby's drying the money" gibbs said

"Money?" She asked

"The dealers were found with fanny packs stuffed with wet Franklins." Gibbs said

"I've got to see those bills." Kate said

"Why?" I asked 

"I did work for the Secret Service. We tend to get all hot and bothered over large sums of hundred dollar bills." She replied

"Is that what does it for you?" Toni flirted 

"What does it for me, Tony, is a mystery that you will never solve." Kate said

"I know the answer. Grant!" Toni said "what about you Kris? What does it for you?"

"Ha nice try dinozzo" I sat

"Why do I felt like a high school principal?" Gibbs questioned

"I don't know, Boss." Toni said

"If those college kids are right, whoever shot the Commander ran into the Chesapeake or up the Maryland coast. Find out which." Gibbs demanded

"I'm on it." Toni said

"We're on it" I correct to Toni he rolled his eyes

We get to work and gibbs leaves

A few hours later he came back

"For the nineteen ninety to ninety six series, Treasury introduced micro printing as a countermeasure against computer printers and copiers. Good enough to stop high school kids, but not rogue countries and a few of the world's top forgers. It's got one tiny flaw." She said

"I'll be damned." Gibbs said

"Sneaky bastards" I say


"You'd think a man who can find heroin in a horse's ass could find this." Kate said to me

"You reached into a horse's ass?" Fuller asked

"I had a glove on." He replied then reads off of the bill "United States. What's wrong with that?"

"Read it again." I sigh

"Untied States! So the forger was dyslexic." Toni said

"Not just the forger." Kate said looking at me and we giggled and dinozzo hit my arm

"Who would pay drug runners with counterfeit money?" Ginns asked

"I know you don't want to hear this, Gibbs, but the Commander could have bought with bogus bills. That's why they k*lled him." Fuller said

"Commander Farrell was not dealing drugs. Tony, where did you find that boat was headed when they dumped the two bodies?" Gibbs asked sternly

"Well, according to the tide charts, since the bodies washed up at Fort Story, the boat had to have been entering the bay. " Toni said

"Well that narrows it down. Even if we knew the marina, we still don't have a name or a description of the boat." I say

"Let's talk to someone who does. Can you pull in the boss of the dead drug runners?" Gibbs asked Fuller

"Trujillo? Sure. For as long as it takes for him to get his lawyers down here." Fuller asked

"Bring in the dirtbag that runs the rival gang, too." Gibbs said

"These aren't a couple of sailors caught buying grass. These are pros. They won't tell you the name of their mothers." Toni said

"No offense, but maybe you just don't use the right tone of voice with them. Bring 'em in." Gibbs said

Fuller walks away

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