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"So here's what we've got." toni started "Dead kid wearing dress whites for no reason, with a sword he shouldn't have on, which is not supposed to be sharp, at the bottom of the ocean with weights on."

"He was a brilliant but troubled computer tech who lived at work and had a mysterious friend." kate said 

"Okay." gibbs said 

"So given the circumstances, probably not an accidental death." i say 

"So." gibbs said "Suicide or murder?"

 "His CO suggests he coulda killed himself." toni said 

"The corpsman he confided in and his mother are adamant he never would've." kate added

"Something else to consider. I found this in Seaman MacDonald's rack. while kris was flirting" gibbs said i hit his arm "You know that razor-sharp sword he was wearing? He was teaching himself how to use it."

we went back inside to use the computer to talk to ducky and abby

"We found a couple more things on MacDonald's body." abby started "Um, he was wearing this around his neck. Just your average St. Christopher medal. But here's what's really odd. He had this in his pocket. My guess is it's some sort of character charter for a fantasy game." 

"What kind of game?" toni asked 

"It looks like an MMORPG." i say 

"MMO what?" he said 

"MMORPG." abby said "it's a massive multiplayer online role playing game. They're huge on the internet."

"And a character charter would be what?" gibbs said 

"It's like a character's manifesto." i say 

"His um, goals, moral stance, creed" abby said 

"You're kidding me." gibbs said 

"No! They really get into this stuff, there can be like thousands of players on one site alone." abby said 

"Well, it's comforting to know that Russell's computer skills were being put to good use on a billion dollar ship." gibbs said 

"Oh, he's a computer geek?" abby said 

"Yeah. Worked in the Combat Information Centre." i say"That is a perfect gig for a power gamer."  abby said "I mean, he was working on combat, it ws just more like the medieval kind" 

"Abby, are games like this violent?" gibbs asked 

" Well, there's poisoning, saberings, stabbings, decapitations, the occasional garotte" abby said

" I'd say that's violent." toni said

"What should we look for on his hard drive?" gibbs said 

"If he's any good, he won't leave any footprints." i say 

"So where's the evidence if there is evidence?" gibbs said 

"Cyberspace." kate said 

"Theoretically, yeah." i say 

"Can you find it?" gibbs asked 

"Maybe. These gaming sites are run by anonymous server clients in every country on the planet." abby said 

"MacDonald's file didn't show any foreign language skills. You're probably looking or something run in English." i say 

"That's good." abby said 

"Machines are state of the art; think government excess." toni said 

"Well, that'll eliminate the weak-enders and the low-fi guys." abby said "I mean, I'll give it a shot, y'know Oh, the sword."

"Yeah, what about it?" gibbs said "The blade has nicks in it - contact with hard metal." 

"Another sword?" i asked " It's possible."

"Two sailors playing with sharp swords." gibbs said

"Once in a while you might miss." kate said "I'm on it." she left 

"Abby have fun with your MMROPG." gibbs said toni and i looked at each other then gibbs

"What?" gibbs asked

"mmOR-pg." toni said

"Thank you." gibbs said

"You're welcome." i say

"Can I talk to Ducky now?" gibbs asked

" Yeah." toni said

"Ah - you might want to warn us about what you're workin' on after lunch, Ducky." i say when we transferred to his camera

"Yes, I suppose gazing directly into an exposed digestive system doesn't aid the actual process." ducky said 

"Not after the meal we just had." toni said 

"Yes, I'm sorry about that, my friend, but sometimes gaining valuable insight requires suffering small indignities. I recall one case, a young woman, not much older than yourself. She ingested a small piece of jewellery" duck went off

"- Ducky." gibs caught him off

"Yes?" he asked 

"What've we got?" gibbs asked 

" Oh." he said "Ah, anoxia, sea water in the stomach, foam in the trachea Classic death by drowning. Slight hemhorraging of the inner ear, possibly caused by the rapid shift in pressure."

"Because he sank so fast." gibbs said

"That's correct." duck said "Ah, then. Here we have dirt. Yes, his fingers grabbed whatever he was touching when he succumbed. There's a good chance Abby will deduce the dirt came from the ocean floor."

"Which means Seaman MacDonald was alive when he went into the sea." i said

i went to go nap because ive been up doing paper work since six this morning then snuck off to see josh.

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