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''Hey.'' toni said as i walk in

''Morning. How was your weekend?'' i say handing everyone a cup of coffee and a danish to everyone 

''What have we got?'' gibbs asked walkking in from the eleavator 

''So much for small talk.'' kate said i giggled 

''Car crash in Quantico last night. No fatalities.'' toni said 

''Next.'' he said 

''Petty Officer caught shoplifting at Bloomingdale's.'' I ask looking at the list 

''Is there anything worth over fifty grand at Bloomingdale's, DiNozzo?'' gibbs asked 

''I don't think so.'' dinozzo said 

''Then why would we handle it? Next.'' he asked 

''I heard a rumor about an ecstasy ring at Lejeune.'' toni said 

''You heard a rumor?'' i asked 

''Oh, he's been searching for a case... any case since I came in.'' kate said 

"All Agents not working active cases are to attend a s*xual harassment lecture at the NCIS Human Resource Training Center at zero nine thirty hours. Today.'' toni reads i physically groan 

''I cannot sit through another one of those again.'' i say 

''I will shoot myself if we have to.'' gibbs said 

''You mean they actually train you guys how to harass?'' kate asked then laughs ''Hey, I'm kidding. Except for Tony.'' kate glares at him

''For the last time, Kate, I was only trying to get my seat belt on.'' he said 

''Right. Seat belt.'' she said i laughed 

gibbs phone rings 

he answered ''Yeah, Gibbs. Okay, we're on it.'' he hangs up ''Dead Navy Commander just washed up on North Virginia Beach.''

''Yes!'' toni and i exclaim

''Shotgun!'' i added 

''I hate when she does that.'' toni said to kate while i skipped to the elavator 

we get to the beach and put on our jackets

started walking in on the crime scene and saw a reporter and a police officer talking to her 

the guy was spelling LINN L..E

''Gibbs. NCIS.'' gibb said 

''It's about time you guys showed up. We've been running between the body and this boat all night long. Boat crashed ashore right in the middle of a beach blanket bingo. Hard to believe a Navy Commander getting mixed up in stuff like this.''  Linn said 

''Stuff like what?'' i asked 

''Drug running. DEA's working two dead drug dealers three miles north of here at Fort Story.'' Linn explained 

''Three miles up the beach and you tied it to the Commander?'' gibbs asked 

''They're all shot up. So is his boat. Got to be a connection.'' linn said 

''And you are?'' gibbs asked 

''Diane Fontaine, WXEK News. I'd like to ask you some questions.'' she started 

''DiNozzo!'' gibbs shouted over her 

''Yeah?'' he shouted 

''Escort Miss Fontaine off our crime scene please.'' gibbs asked him

''Miss Fontaine?'' he asked 

''Let's go, guys.'' she said leaving  

''Sergeant Linn is it? You in the habit of convicting people before the investigation starts?'' gibbs asked 

''What? Hey, no. I... '' he started 

''What have we got, Gibbs?'' ducky asked cutting into linns sentence 

i immeditely knew what was going to happen so i leave.

''Looks like a herd of elephants went through here.'' i say 

''Yeah, just one fat local LEO. All right Kate, bag this. I'll do the photos.'' gibbs said 

''Tony told me what to do.'' kate said 

''Tony doesn't tell you what to do. I do. Your elephant said the Commander's boat got shot up. Why don't you grab an extra kit from the truck and work that scene.'' gibbs demanded 

''By myself?'' kate asked 

''You need help?'' gibbs asked

 ''No! I got it!'' she said 

''Hey, have it towed back to the garage when you're done. And get the witness reports while you're at it!'' gibbs shouted as shes running to the other scene waving telling him she got it

''I need more assignments like that, Boss.'' toni walking in smiling 

i roll my eyes typical dinozzo 

''Did you get her number?'' i asked sarcastically 

''Oh, yeah!'' toni smiled 

''You think he was shot or drowned?'' gerald, duckys  probie butted in 

''Well, either way he's dead.'' toni said 

''That's too bad. Good guy. He got you out of that s*xual harassment lecture.'' gibbs said before taking another photo

''I'd rather be at the lecture.'' i said 

''That man is an imbecile. He shouldn't be a school crossing guard!'' ducky said pretty pissed off

''Yeah, move. Haven't heard you this pissed, since you shoved that French flic off a cliff, Duck.'' gibbs said 

''You shoved a French cop over a cliff?'' gerald asked sceptical 

''There was a lake below'' he explained 

''Sixty feet below. Duck, this crime scene's a mess. Can we move the body?'' gibbs asked 

''Why not. The imbecile obviously has.'' ducky steamed 

''Let's turn him over and see if he was shot in the back.'' he said 

''I guess we can rule out accidental drowning.'' toni said after taking the camera and taking a picture 

''Oh, my friend... even if you'd survived the water, you would have never have walked again.'' ducky said 

''The DEA found a couple of bodies up at Fort Story that might be tied to this.'' gibbs said 

''At least they know not to contaminate a crime scene.'' ducky replied 

''Hey, you three clean this up - bag him. Meet us up there.'' gibbs said 

''Well, it gives you a warm feeling, doesn't it?'' toni said 

''What?'' gerald asked 

''Knowing Gibbs trusts us with a contaminated crime scene.'' i say 

gerald laughs ''Come on guys. Let's get him out of here.''

after we left to go to HQ and work on the case 

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