commander dead

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Me and toni wake up to go upstairs and for an update with gibbs with abby

'abby' gibbs said

'well I did a fibrinogen test' abby started 'the procoagulant numbers were high, but they weren't off the charts.'

'Any drugs that might have induced clotting?' gibbs asked

'Well, yeah. But none of those popped up. I only isoed the epinephrine that was injected when he got juled and juiced on the plane.' she told him

'No vitamins? Herbals?' toni asked

''well the guy was an organic freak'' I explained

'he probably whizzed green' abby joked 'but none of that will cottage cheese your blood'

' Did you test the food that he ingested on Air Force One?' kate asked

'Everything that was bagged and tagged. It was ribs, coleslaw, barby sauce, it was all negative for toxins.' abby showed

''I mean, that stuff will kill you,
but it'll take, like, 30 years.'' I said

'Do you dudes in the Secret Service ever think about throwing yourselves in front of the President's diet?' abby joked

'So, you're both saying
he wasn't murdered?' fornell asked

'No, however freakish and tragic,
it apparently was a natural death.' ducky said

'I want my people to check your results.' fornell demanded

'Of course. You and Agent Todd
will be receiving copies of all our tests.' ducky assured him

'Does it for me.' he said 'How's your butt?' he asked toni

'It's still bouncing on the beltway.' toni joked

They start to leave until gibbs said kates name and offered her some gum 'When's the President returning?'

'Tomorrow, noon. I'm flying back tonight
to re-join the detail.'

'Mind if I tag along?' gibbs asked 'Please?'

'You can, your SIG Sauer can't. We have a rule. No weapons on Air Force One unless you're Secret Service.'

'Keep looking.' gibbs told us

'Wow.' abby said 'Gibbs said "please."'

Me and abby kept searching for something

Ducky suggested that is was from an animal

Until toni got a call and told me to gear up and get in the car

'Agent DiNozzo, NCIS. What do you got?'

'One dead marine officer. No signs of trauma.' the guy explained 'It doesn't appear to be a robbery. There's still cash and credit cards in his wallet.' he went on 'I've got two shootings already this morning. Since this guy's one of yours,
I hoped you might take him'

'yeah we will take him' I said showing dinozzo the officers card 

His Agent - Abbys Sister Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now