Just blowing up something

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"Are we submitting to|the sundance film festival?" abby asked

"Best terrorist film category." toni said 

"Sweet." i say 

"So, if anyone's interested, the only prints off the boat I could match were the druggies in the cooler." abby said 

"Not the commander?" gibbs asked 

" Negatory." i say

"We got a match on a terrorist." Kate said

"You didn't tell me that." toni said sadly

"Who could get a word in?" gibbs said 

" I ran those prints through the bureau. I got nada." abby said

 "You did not have access to the full database." gibbs said

"You're holding out on us." i say 

"That is not nice." abby said pointing at fornell

"Whoa! There it is." gibb said pointing to the van on screen "Run it back...... Jefferson power......Damn it. Can anybody read that number?" 

"Eight, three, one." toni and i said then highfived 

"They've gotta be going after the power grid." i say

"I found traces of c-4 in the stuff you bagged on the boat." abby said

"Thank god. They're just gonna try to blow something up." fornell said everyone looked ay him like he was crazy "We've been sweating terrorists hacking into our power grid distribution software. That could shut down half the country. C-4 indicates a hard target. a power plant, a substation, distribution node, which are all under tight security. Which are about to get a hell of a lot tighter."

 "There's a good chance that driver works for jefferson power." i say 

"I hope he does. We'll have them before sundown." he said typing in a number and calling it "Terrorist alert.A, P, B on Jefferson power company van number eight, three, one. I want to know where it's based, who's driving it, and I want it in five minutes. Thanks." he hung up "You've all done a terrific job."

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