Me and Abby Doing Our Thing

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gibbs walked in while me and abby were opening the pod

"Abby, you find any prints on there that weren't the hunters?" he asked

 "I pulled some partials off the inside of the hatch that weren't his." i say

"Victim's?" gibbs asked

"I doubt it." abby said bluntly "Mummies aren't generally the self-help type." 

"Let's run the prints through the military database." gibbs said 

"Got it." i say 

"Now, there's a serial number on the underside of the tank. The paint's kinda worn off, but I can bring it up Good." abby said 

"that tank came off a Tomcat, somebody filed a TFOA report." gibbs said 

"TFOA?" kate asked 

"Things Falling Off Aircraft." i say 

"You're kidding." she said 

"Nope, that's what they're called." toni said 

abby continued the sawwing 

"Squadrons have kept files on those all the way back to biplanes." i explain

"All right." abby said waiting for us to help 

"K - on 3- 1, 2, 3" gibbs said and we lifted the top of the pod up

"Oh, sailor on the half shell!" abby joked i chuckled 

"Oh, Abby, please" ducky said 

"Sorry!" abby apologised 

"It's not unlike the Egyptians, however." duck explained "Their mummified dead were buried along with personal treasures to accompany them on the journey to the afterlife."

"Where he could squeeze in 18 now and then." toni said 

"He's not wearing shoes." i say

"kick mine off when I fly." toni said i hit him 

"we got an ID." gibbs said looking at abby holding dog tas with pliers

"Lieutenant Mark Schilz." abby said

"He's not our golfer." kate said 

"This bag belongs to Lieutenant Lynch." i say 

"A gold wedding band. Looks like Lieutenant Schilz left someone behind." ducky said 

we took more pictures and explored the pod more

"We got a name, we got a serial number." gibbs said "TFOA'll find the plane and the squadron." 

"And we'll crack the secret of the mummy's curse in no time." abby said cheerfully

"Abby" ducky sighed 

"What?" she said confused 

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