Filling The Tank

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toni and i went to gas up the truck and collect the stuff we need

"so gibbs knows somethings up" i say

"i know its not going to be long before he finds out" toni said 

"but if he finds out HR will" i say "and then there is more paperwork and meetings for us"

"why do we have to tell HR?" toni asked 

"you know why we could lose our jobs if we dont" i say sternly

"we could lose our jobs telling gibbs!" toni said filling the truck

"yes but then we wouldnt need to keep it a secret" i say 

"then i wont need to lie about where i am going to abby and we can be able to do nearly evberything we want to infront of our friend" i say 

"we will see" he said kissing my cheek

"okay" i breath and we leave for the case

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