dirty to clean

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we went back to our desks

Gibbs is reading a file, or trying to. He closes it in frustration and tosses like a frisbee to Tony.

''DiNozzo, where'd you learn how to write? China?'' gibbs asked

''I'd say Egypt, looks more like hieroglyphics.'' i said

''Hey! You were in a rush to read it.'' toni said

''My mistake.'' gibbs said

''Are those the interviews of the Marines that didn't jump?'' kate asked

''Yeah, it's not very interesting... '' toni said

While Tony tells Kate what's in the file, Abby steps off the elevator and into the offices. She carrying a box with a cotton swab in it.

''Corporal Ramsey finally gave it up. His mouth was drier than mummy dust. I had to swap it four times to get a decent DNA sample.'' abby said

''How long to test for a match to the skin cells?'' i asked

''Well, if you want know runs strips rares in court, you've gotta give me 24.'' she said

''Abby, clock's ticking.'' i say

''You don't expect a guilty man to give up his DNA.'' kate said

''Well, hes rolling the dice. Hoping for that one-in-a-million shot it won't match.'' toni said

''Guilty people do that?'' kate asked

''All the time.'' i said toni nodding in agreement

''Uh, Kate has a point. What if Ramsey was set up? What if, what if he's innocent? What if he's telling the truth?'' gibbs said

''Well we'll know in 24 hours but I wouldn't bet on it.'' i say

''Well, you know what, I don't like sitting on my ass waiting for a DNA match.'' gibbs said getting ready

''They are only two other possible suspects. Corporal Dafelmair or Brinkman.'' kate said getting her gun

''No, there's three. You're forgetting Captain Faul. He's got a key to the paraloft.'' i said

Gibbs sees Tony getting up putting his holster on ''Where do you think you're going, bubba? You've got a report to finish.''

toni sat back down in a huff

''c'mon ill help ill type you read like we always do'' i say

it might take a while but it is quicker than one on two on diffrent reports

a few hours later Gibbs and Kate walk off the elevator onto the floor. Tony hands Gibbs his typed-up report.

''The Captain have an alibi?'' i asked

''He was no where near the paraloft when the chute's were sabotaged.'' kate said

''Ramsey's the dirtbag.'' toni said

''It could still be Dafelmair or Brinkman.'' i said

gibbs was reading from Tony's report ''Sergeant Fuentes supervised the riggers handing out chutes.''

''Yeah, he watches the riggers from the back of the truck.'' kate said

''Ramsey participated.'' gibbs said

''Well, he's on suspension from rigging, not passing out chutes or jumping.'' toni said

''He could have given Thumper a dirty chute.'' kate said

''What'd you say?'' gibbs asked

''Ramsey. Could have given Thumper a sabotaged chute.'' kate said

''No, you said "dirty".'' he said

''What?'' i asked

''With Gibbs, you never know.'' toni said as we followed gibbs

Gibbs takes off quickly, having an idea. Kate, Tony and I follow in confusion.

''Abby, I need to see Sergeant Fuentes's reserve chute.'' gibbs demanded

''Might want to take a look at this first.'' she said indicating to her wall monitor ''Now that I'm only running one DNA analysis, I finally had time to do a particle pick on the shroud lines. You're looking at the infrared of Bolivia's best.'

''Cocaine?'' me and toni said at the same time

''The killer's using?'' gibbs aksed

''No, the rock's too pure. The residue on his skin s probably from cutting and weighing.'' i say inspecting it more

''Why don't I think Thumper was killed for reporting Corporal Ramsey's rigging?'' she said

''Where's Thumper's reserve chute?'' he said

''It's over here.'' she said indicating to the backroom ''I already checked it, Gibbs. It's clean.''

''Know that, it's too clean. Too clean for someone who smashed into a tree and an SUV. Where's the other jump gear we confiscated.'' he said

''I stored it in the Ballistics lab after I tested it.'' she said

we all go into the other room. Gibbs starts searching through the bagged chutes.

''What're you looking for?'' i asked

''Ramsey. Dafelmair's. Brinkman's gear. Here's one.'' he said moving it to make it more accessible, Abby starts cutting the plastic wrap open

''What are you looking for?'' toni asked

''A screwed pooch.'' he replied

Abby finds and cuts open the bagged chutes of the other two guys. Gibbs starts opening them up and taking them apart to check the reserve chute tucked away inside. On the second one, he finds it.

''Here it is, it's dirty.'' he said and held it up so we can read the number "13" printed on side ''This is the reserve that Thumper jumped with.''

''Unlucky thirteen.'' abby and i say

''Someone pulled a switch after he hit the SUV.'' Gibbs tests the reserve chute by pulling on the pin. Nothing happens. He flips a flap and sees why. ''The cones been soldered in place. Doesn't matter if the painkillers slowed his judgement, he couldn't use this chute.''

''Hey, who's ruck sack is this?'' toni asked Gibbs finds the label with the owner's name on it. Everyone shares a look.

''Call Captain Faul. Tell him jump ops can resume, we've got our killer.'' gibbs said

''Do I tell him who?'' kate said

''Nope. I don't want DNA evidence, I want this b*st*rd to confess.'' he said Kate nods, leaves to make call

''How we gonna do that?'' toni asked

''Wear this when we jump.'' he said

''Jump?'' i asked

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