kevaris wins?

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we went searching for the same descriptions of the people toni told us as well as the injuries we got from the corpsmen

found the guy then toni and i went searching for the sword

"so flirting with a petty officer?" toni said 

"like you werent flirting with women on the land"

"not the point" he said "soooo who is he"

"cute but probably not going to happen"


"hes been stationed on the ship for three more years" i say "and there might be a promotion on the way so itll be just flirting"

"being an agent sucks for personal lifes"

"tell me about it if you werent together before you worked here the only other hope is to date a worker and gibbs rule dont allow that"


"oh! bingo" i say picking up the sword from his rack

toni took it through while i looked through the chapters with kate 

while toni and gibbs were speaking to ducky i zoned into reading the chapters 

"im on the last entry now" i say 

"Listen to this" i say standing up "- MacDonald says that after he makes his escape, he'll destroy his enemies by releasing a great plague against the realm as the sun sets beneath the next full moon." 

"File's on the way." toni said 

"Plague?" gibbs asked  "Plague yeah, here it is. MacDonald had applied for the NBC program." kate looked confused 

"Nuclear, Biological, and Chemical weapons." toni asnwered 

"Passed the physical, flunked the psych." i say 

"So what's the realm he's talking about?" toni asked 

" I think it's the Foster. MacDonald was convinced that the crew was aiding his enemy." i said

" He's going to set a bio-bomb off on this ship." gibbs threw down the notes he picked up about the program application "Tell me it's not a full moon tonight." 

 "sorry, boss." toni said 

" What time does the sun set?" gibbs asked 

" 23:37 zulu About an hour from now." i say 

" Get Zeuger in front of his computer and see if he can find out anything about MacDonald or a bio-weapon on that game site. Navy ships do not carry biochemical weapons, nor would they have the material to make one. Contact Reynolds at Homeland Security. He'll know if there's anything unaccounted for in this region." gibbs said 

" Where's the Captain?" gibbs asked 

" In a staff meeting." a officer said  "Hey! You can't go in there!" gibbs didnt care 

" Skipper, I have reason to believe a bomb, possibly containing a bio-agent, is set to detonate on board this ship by sunset. " gibbs said 

"How real do you think that threat is?" the skipper said 

" Very real." gibbs said 

"Sound general quarters. Deploy the flying squads. Start with the ventilation systems. Alert sickbay of the situation and have them stand by." he demanded his team in the meeting 

as they all moved i was grabbed by carnahan "whats happening?" he asked 

"i cant say do your work" i shrugged off the arm and left to catch up with dinnozo

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