dressed in whites

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"This is exactly how he was found." ducky exclaimed 

" Dress whites - why?" i asked 

"No one knows. There were no formal events scheduled." gibbs said 

"The sword?" kate asked "Officer's ceremonial." gibb said 

"Our man's enlisted." toni said 

"Yeah. Doesn't make much sense, does it?" gibbs said

" Well, here's something else for the mystery tour. This so-called 'ceremonial sword' is sharpenough to slit someone's throat." ducky pulled the sword out i backed up into toni who gripped my shoulders to make me balanced before i fell on my face "Do you know why they drive on the left hand side of the road in England?" duck asked 

"Dates back to medieval times. Most people were - and still are - right-handed. It allowed them to slash at one another when passing on horseback." i answered ducky smiled 

"Why, you might ask, doesn't this hold true for the rest of Europe, eh?" he added 

"Why the chain on the waist?" kate asked

 " Ah. These" he pulled up weights "- these were attached to it. Each twenty-five pounds. Now whether he put them on himself or someone did it for him, that much weight sent him down fast. Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll get our poor Seaman out of his wet clothes."

"You're not going to say and into a dry martini, are you?" toni asked

 "No. No, we'll save that for later. For me, I'm afraid." duck answered 

"Seaman's local." gibbs handed toni a file "Address is in the file. You don't have to do the dirty deed. Keiko already notified next-of-kin. youre just asking questions"

"Why me, boss? Wouldn't a woman be more sympathetic?" toni tried to get out of it 

"That's why Kate is going with you." gibbs said "kris help abby find any partcial finger prints or anything that could helps us from the swords and weights"

"I'm sure Tony can handle this alone." Kate said while we all went into the elevator 

"When did an order turn into a debate?" gibbs asked 

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