rise and shine the ex is back

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''whats wrong with you?'' he asked me 

''nothing'' i say 

he looked at me knowing i was lying

''fine you woke me up now im tired cranky and pissed at you'' i say 

''come on why'd you be so sharp with the kid'' Toni said 

''because hes a red flag'' i say 

''for what??'' he asked grabbing my arm so i would stop and look at him

''for- ugh nothing'' i say ripping my arm away from him

''tell me'' he said 

''no you wouldnt understand anyway'' i get the monopod and go away 

toni leave to do something and i go back with the monopod 

''Hey! Look who I found.'' Tony said walking up with Kate

''hey kate'' i said hugging her and shoving the monopod into Toni and he winces 

''MPs weren't gonna let her passed.''toni added 

''I got my Sig and badge, but HQ didn't issue my photo ID.'' she said then looked at the scene ''God, is this for real?''

''Unfortunately, my dear, it is.'' ducky said 

''Put 'em on.'' gibbs said handing her a pair of gloves 

''Ah, your first crime scene with us, Caitlin.'' ducky admired 

''What about Air Force One?'' she offered 

''Doesn't count, you were in the Secret Service. Hey, Tony, take a team photo for posterity.'' i say 

''Forget posterity. Sun's gonna be up soon.'' gibbs said handing her a box ''Welcome to NCIS.'' 

kate opens the box and pulled out the boots ''How'd you know my size?''

gibbs smirks and puts an NCIS cap on her head 

''Put 'em on. Can't work a field in high heels.'' i say 

toni smirks and says ''Depends on the kind of work you're doing.''

''one time dinozzo and it was you i did it too'' i say refering to a past job 

''what?'' kate asked 

''i had to be a stripper for a drug bust and dinozzo at to pass me the bug the only way it wouldnt look suspsious is if i was near enough to get it on the job'' i say

kate nodded and toni was daydreaming about that say no doubt ''best 15 minutes of my life'' he said i hit him ''then again i remember the bruises afterwards'' i rolled my eyes and went to follow gibbs 

kate noticed toni watching one particular part of me when i walk away

''Your mind, DiNozzo, runs the gamut from X to XXX.'' kate said

''you dont know her like i do shes diffrent'' he said 

''clearly she doesnt have any interest in you'' kate said walking away 

''yeah-'' he stopped 'wait- what'' he wlaked to catch up

''Photos, Tony!'' gibbs shouts 

''Yeah.'' toni signed 

he lifts camera mounted on monopod up to roof to take pictures of body 

''Ducky? Why would Gibbs rip his hard line out and dunk his cell phone into a jar of paint thinner?'' i asked 

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