A little Interrogation never hurt anyone

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when we got Bud (the guy who gives access to the dna) me and dinozzo were on  the other side watching kate and gibbs 

ever since the sleep at the desk floor i have had a horrible pain in the right side of my neck so now i rubbed it 

''whats up'' toni asked 

''nothing just my neck'' i say 

''whats  wrong with it?'' he asked 

''slept on the floor funny i think'' i replied 

''lets see'' he offered i moved my hair to the left and showed him ''maybe see ducky''

''no itll be fine after a while'' i say while he inspects it 

''is it here'' he asked putting his hand on my neck

''no a little further down" I say he moved his hand lower

"There?" He asked

I nodded

He slowly started to rub the spot and I was relieved that the pain was going away

When it felt better than before I put my hand on my neck where tonis is

"Better?" He asked

"Yeah much I can now look sideways without any pain" I say

"You know what is better than that?" He said i knew he was going to say going on a date or having sex with him

"Nope don't ruin it dinozzo" I say

we watched gibbs finished interrogating bud and made are way to our desks 

''You knew Lieutenant Roberts wasn't going to lawyer us access to the military database.'' kate said 

''Did I?'' gibbs said oh so innocently 

''You did. So why go through the exercise?'' she asked 

''Kate, I come from a long line of horse traders. First rule, you pick the best horse in the barn and you work the deal until it bursts.'' gibbs said 

''That way, when you go for the second best nag, you get her for a song.'' toni said 

''The search authorisation.'' kate realised 

''We didn't have probable cause. But the lieutenant, he's a man who aims to please. You never work the system, when you can work the people.'' gibbs said 

''Any of those horse traders you come from get hung?'' kate said 

''Yeah, a few.'' gibbs said 

 Kate nods, unsurprised.

gibbs faced toni and i ''Did you find out what Ramsey was written up for?''

''Ah, yeah.'' he reads from clipboard ''Frayed lines, bent cones, cuts in the canopy. Tell ya, I hope this guy isn't going to medical school at night.'' toni said ''Oh, yeah! Scuttle butt is-'' 

  ''Scuttle butt?'' kate asked 

''That's Marine, for watercooler gossip.'' gibbs explains 

Kate nods in understanding

''The scuttle butt is that Ramsey took a swing at Thumper for getting him suspended.'' i say 

Gibbs's cell phone rings. He pulls it out to look at the call display.

''Identity withheld.'' gibbs said 

''Probably the reason you married her.'' i say 

Kate looks up, interested.

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