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"Harrison James Potter, the results of your blood test are ready." A young man with bleached white hair and black roots called from a door. His teeth were spiked and he wore glasses with a necklace attachment. Though he seemed old from his appearance and taste in fashion, his face was youthful. The door was dark brown which stood out against the bright white walls and floor. The room was small with a few basic chairs gathered in each corner.

The only seat being sat in seemed as though the person was too large to sit there, a small adult in a child's chair if you will.

Upon hearing the name, the only man perked up from his confused expression. He looked nothing like the Harry Potter everyone knew. Slightly spiked jet black hair and dark forest green eyes, a jaw line that could kill and high cheek bones, a body made for a Greek god and skin as porcelain as ghosts and vampires. There was no way this man was Harry Potter. Maybe a distant relative at most, but Harry himself looked completely different.

He stood up to his full height, his head almost touching the ceiling effortlessly. He need just to point his toes like a ballerina and he'd no longer fit. He walked after the white haired young man, who disappeared behind the door seconds before.

The hallway they were in was odd. It was pitch black and seemed endless, the ceiling being so up high that two of the tall man could fit, one standing on the other's shoulders. Though the hallways was tall, anyone thicker than Hagrid or Vernon wouldn't make it through. The hallway seemed to never end, but not even a minute later they reached a dark coloured door.

The white haired man knocked on the door and seconds later the door opened on its own. The room was grey. There was a grey carpet and a grey chair. A grey desk with a grey lamp. Grey walls with grey bookshelves stacked with grey books with grey pages and grey words. The only non-grey thing in the whole room was the thing sitting at the desk. It was a black shadow like figure, a real life silhouette of a human. The shape was humanoid but there were a few differences. Like how the thing's fingers were elongated and ended in spikes, the hair was just a purple fire coming from the head of the thing. It's suit was black and purple and it's cartoon-like smiled made him seem villain-ish.

The smile was a glowing purple, a shit eating grin, with cartoon like purple eyes that seemed to be squinting. It was as though the thing was wearing a mask with a smile drawn on. But in the end, never judge a book by its cover for not even the summary tells the whole story. "Hello, Harrison Potter. Please sit down and let me explain what's going on." The purple and black demon like humanoid said. Harrison sat in the grey chair across from the thing, the grey desk in between them.

"Alright. This is your blood test. Read it over and I'll explain everything in due time." The thing explained. Harry took the surprisingly purple sheet with black words from the thing and read.

Name: Harrison James Potter
D.O.B: July 31
Blood Purity: 100%

- Lily Potter (nee Evans, deceased, adopted)
- James Fleamont Potter (deceased)

Godparents: Sirius Orion Black (deceased)

Living Arrangements:
- Petunia Dursley (nee Evans, Aunt)
- Vernon Dursley (Uncle)
- Dudley Dursley (Cousin)

30% God Descendent
25% Giant
10% Elf
10% Dragon
10% Magic Core
5% Cupid
5% Jizebel
5% End

30% English/British
25% German
25% French
20% Greek

Gryffindor (AN) P
Slytherin (AN) M
Ravenclaw (AN) M
Hufflepuff (AN) P
Emrys (AN) P
Le fay (AN) P
Black (AN) P
Potter (AN) P-M
Evans (NM) M
Peverell (AN) P-M
Gaunt (AN) M
Riddle (NM) M

Mate(s): open

Rank: SSS+

Magical Signature:


"What... huh?" Harry asked, not understanding what it was supposed to be. "You died in the war traumatically, you probably don't remember it because it was horrible. You'll have the scars from how you died. You are now in the Office for Life Clarification and Reassignment or Resurrection. Or L.C.R.R. In the MoS, Ministry of Souls. We work similarly to the Ministry of Magic only for souls in the after life." The thing said.

"This is your creature inheritance. It was supposed to come in fully at fourteen or sixteen or whenever you needed it but you never got yours because it was blocked. That's why your here. The people who led a terrible life usually end up here, so we can assess them and choose if they should be resurrected or reassigned." The thing continued.

"This has been hidden from you all your life. Your mother was from a long line of squibs that were related to the most ancient and noble houses, though she was still muggle born as all the squibs just married into muggles and became muggles. You are still half-blooded in the wizarding world." The thing explained.

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