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The next morning, out of pure curiosity, Harry stood up and decided to check his roommates' info windows.

|        Blaise Zabini      |
|                                             |
|          Mate(s): Open |
|         Rank: BBB+ |
|    Creature: Werewolf / |
|            Shape shifter         |
|              Blood: 40%          |
|                  Age: 11              |
|          Theodore Nott        |
|                                             |
|          Mate(s): Open        |
|             Rank: BBB           |
|      Creature: Drake /     |
|         Animagus / Elf        |
|             Blood: 60%           |
|                   Age: 11              |
|           Draco Malfoy        |
|                                             |
|           Mate(s): Open       |
|               Rank: SS+          |
| Creature: Veela / Neko |
|             Blood: 90%           |
|                 Age: 11                |

Harry wasn't sure if he should be surprised or shouldn't. He guessed that most people didn't have as many creature parts as he did, with seven different creature bloods in his. He expected Draco at least to be a pure Veela. Maybe being a pure whole animal was rarer than he thought. He had to speak to Draco about the ranks though. "Draco. Let's talk." He said vaguely before he dragged Draco into a broom closet.

"I checked your info window." Harry started right to the point, totally forgetting that Draco might not know about all this creature stuff. "What?" Draco asked. Of course he didn't know. "Creature inheritance. I got it early. Your parents must have talked to you about being creature inheritances right?" Harry asked him. "Yeah. I'm a veela." Draco asked, confused. "That's what I wanted to talk about. When you get your creature inheritance your able to open an info window on yourself and other people-" Harry started, but was interrupted. "Yes yes I know everything about the creature world and how it works. Get to the point." Draco said, a worried look on his face.

"You know how the ranks work?" Harry asked to make sure. "Yes." Draco replied impatiently. "Well so, my info window-" Harry stopped, remembering that he hadn't checked his window yet. He quickly tapped his chest and read the info window before continuing. "My info window says my name is Harrison Potter, Mates spots open, Rank SSS+, Crea-" Harry started but was interrupted. "SSS+!? Oh my god!" Draco yelled loudly, looking his tall friend up and down. "Yes yes that's not even the most shocking. Probably." Harry told him.

"Anyway, Creature God Descendant, Giant, Elf, Dragon, Cupid, Jezebel and End. Blood-" Again Harry was interrupted. "Holy shit... are you playing with me right now or are you serious? Do you know what that means?" Draco asked him. "I'm being for real. Now let me finish and you can check mine and your info windows after I finish talking." Harry told him, shutting Draco up. "Anyway. Blood a hundred percent. Age eleven." Harry finished. Draco tapped Harry on the arm to open Harry's Info Window and read it.

| Harrison Potter |
| |
| Mate(s): Open        |
|    Rank: SSS+          |
|         Creature: God         |
|    Descendant / Giant /  |
|  Elf / Dragon / Cupid /  |
|          Jezebel / End           |
| Blood: 100%          |
|    Age: 11                |

"You... you weren't kidding." Draco said, clearly in shock. "Yeah. Anyway what I wanted to talk about was your info window. Yours says Draco Malfoy, Mates Spots open, Rank SS+, Creature Veela and Neko, Blood ninety percent and age eleven." Harry told him. Draco stared at him for a bit. "SS+? Ninety..?" Draco asked dumbly. "You can check if you want." Harry told him. Sure enough, Draco tapped his own chest and read something that was seemingly there in mid air. "Your... right." Draco said, staring at Harry.

"I think it's better to keep things like this secret, because being this powerful comes with a lot of enemies." Harry told him. Draco nodded. "What happens in the broom closet, stays in the broom closet." Draco added. "Yeah." Harry replied. They awkwardly stared at each other for a few seconds before they both left the broom closet with nothing more than a nod to each other.

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