Coming Soon/ Author's Note

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I felt like I was required to write one because I spend too much time on a lot of apps and one of them specifically does this all the time so idk. I have written about 17 chapters ahead all ready (as of July 11th) and I will be posting one chapter once a week on Mondays. (At least that's the plan.)

Idk if I'm fully committed to this yet but I think I am. This a warning before you start reading:

If your looking for some quick fast lighthearted yaoi this is not it.

This mostly focuses on Harry and his resurrection and how his life is now different as well as new information (try 16/17 chapters purely on giving information about the verse) I made my own kind of universe thing here and intertwined it with Harry Potter and a ship I liked. The romance doesn't come until later on and I can't promise the most light-hearted topics.

I most likely will be touching a few touchy or hard to talk about topics as well as gore and other things. Not recommend for kids that haven't yet attended highschool (though the author himself/me is not technically in highschool yet but the summer inbetween elementary and highschool)

I don't recommend reading this book if you get emotional easily or don't want to get into heavy subjects.

One thing I'd also like to point out is that I use a lot of make-up words. I don't know every language and therefore don't know if they mean something in a different language. I'm sorry if one of my made up words means something I'm a language you know, offensive or not, as I only know English and German. Along with a little bit of French.

One thing I can promise:

A happy ending. Very happy. I can not bring myself to make a sad ending when romance is involved. Impossible.

See you next week Monday.

Questions people will probably have because my brain is kinda all over and I write brain to text not brain to plan to text:

did I start writing this and not be able to stop? Yes.

Do I regret it? No but maybe I will.

How many chapters have been finished being written by now and just need to be edited and published? 35 not including author's note.

Will they be posted? Yes every Monday so your Monday gets better.

How long is every chapter? Length varies. Some are long like 900+ words some are short like 200-300 words. Mostly I try to keep chapters 400-600 words.

Can I become an editor or pay to see chapters earlier? Nah I don't have money or a credit card to get money on.

Patreon? Nope.

NSFW? I'm underage so no (maybe a few 'provocative' scenes as well as references/talk about it but no actual smut)

How many chapters are planned? Not sure, didn't plan posting or writing this, just came straight from my brain to text. Over 40 probably tho.

What heavy subjects will be touched?
Honestly no idea. Also no idea if I will touch heavy subjects. I haven't really so far (35 chapters) but I think I might so I put a warning. (I will put warning on specific chapters based on content)

Ask any questions about future chapters. Most likely people will start reading this when more chapters are published. What I mean is I will answer any question/comment that needs an answer if it hasn't been answered already (if there are questions/comments about my confusing verse) I will answer comments on any chapters so comment away. I don't do this for money or fame or anything but for fun and cuz I wanna be an author idk

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