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Once the sun came up again, Harry rose and started to get dressed. Little did Harry know that at the same time, Juden had woken up. Juden always woke up early. He woke up so he could finish his homework and have time for other things in the evening. Only now that his body was used to waking up early, he couldn't sleep in any later even when school wasn't in session anymore. Today, he didn't mind. He woke up to one of his roommates, who he fancied, changing.

Said roommate revealed a lean toned body  as he changed. Once he was finished changing and the foods had been hidden, Juden decided it was time to pretend to wake up. "Morning." He called, just as the goods were about to leave. "Morning. I totally forgot to introduce myself the other day. I'm Harrison. You can call me Harry." The goods, Harry, replied. Harry stuck out his hand. "Harry. I'm Juden." Juden replied, shaking the tall guy's hand. "Where are you going so early?" Juden asked. "I go for a jog every morning. Sorry, did I wake you up?"

"No, not at all. I wake up early too. Only I wake up to do my homework so that I have the afternoons free." Juden explained. "Ah that's smart. If you don't have any summer homework, you can join me." Harry offered. "Oh sure! Let me just get changed." Juden said, fully planning on doing the same thing to Harry as Harry had unknowingly done to him. "Alright, I'll wait outside." Andddd there comes the plan(e) crash. "It's fine, you can stay." Juden replied, trying to save the plan. "Oh no it's not that, I'm hungry so I'm gonna make us sandwiches. You have any allergies? Want a specific sandwich?" Harry countered.

"Oh um. Untoasted white bread with butter, bologna, a slice of any cheese and mayo please." Juden ordered. "Sounds delicious." Harry replied before leaving. A minute later, Juden came downstairs to Harry waiting for him at the door. Harry handed Juden a sandwich and they left. They ran side by side and began to talk and get to know each other.

"Did you know that besides our height, slightly different personalities, gender and general body shape, me and Julie are physically completely identical. We also have matching birthmarks that look like Australia right here." Juden pointed a few inches below his right chest area. "No way! You have to show me when we get back. There's no way it looks like Australia!" Harry laughed. Score! If this went right then that would be a point to Juden. The plan was back on track.

Once they got back, Juden immediately ran and sat down on the couch. "Come on, I'm showing you my birthmark." Juden said, taking off his shirt. Indeed right where he had pointed earlier, a birthmark that looked like Australia appeared. Harry walked closer and sat down right in front of where Juden was sitting on the couch. He wordlessly and wandlessly summoned a map and compared the two shapes; the birthmark and Australia. "No way! It's like an exact replica." Harry laughed. Steps sounded and they saw both Draco and Julie walking in on the scene.

Draco's face screamed rage and jealousy, though no one except Harry seemed to notice. While Juden smirked at the two, mostly at Julie, saying 'I'm winning.' "It's not what it looks like." Harry said hurriedly, staring a his, unknown to the others, jealous boyfriend. "Juden told me he and Julie had matching birthmarks that looked like Australia. I had to make sure he wasn't lying. And look! It's an exact replica of Australia." Harry pointed out. "Julie, you have one too?" Draco asked, an idea forming in his head.

Everyone has different ideas that day. Juden thought that Harry had been falling for him. Julie thought that she was loosing until Draco said that last part, making her think that he was into her. Draco wanted to make Harry as jealous as Harry made him by making the same scene. And poor Harry just wanted to know if Juden's birthmark actually looked like Australia.

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