Shifting Forms

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(The next few chapters will be part of the book that Harry is reading and not what is actually happening. Italics is things that are written. Text with stars around them like this:
Is on paper. The stars signalling the beginning and end of paper. The next few chapters will be like you are reading the chapters from the book that Harry is reading. I do not recommend skipping the next few chapters because they hold valuable information about the creature thing.)

Shifting Forms

The topic had been brought up before, and there are many things you need to know to shift. There are four types of forms

Full hybrid form:
This is the full creature form of someone who is more than one creature. A full creature form for a werewolf would be a wolf, a full creature form for a werewolf-Angel mix would be a wolf with Angel wings or something of the like. This is the form where all creature features are out

The full creature form:
For creatures who aren't hybrids, this would be their full animal/blood form. If they aren't part animal then their full form in the other creature. All creature features are out. Hybrids may also shift into full creature form of one of the creatures they are.

A form that is between human and creature, in this form the person takes on the form of a human with the features of their creature, the features are choosable and can be chosen and re-chosen multiple times.

Human form:
This form is by far the most used as nobody other than people who have creature blood or witches and wizards know about creatures and it should remain that way, the human form is the easiest form to blend in.

The only creature who the above forms do not matter to are shape shifters, who although use the same method to shift don't have set 'forms' but rather they just shift from shape to shape.

How to:
1. Calm yourself and breath
2. Imagine what form you want to change into
3. Blink your eyes

If you are having trouble shifting, call the Department of Creature Troubles (DOCT) now.

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