
2.5K 87 3

(The next few chapters will be part of the book that Harry is reading and not what is actually happening. Italics is things that are written. Text with stars around them like this:
Is on paper. The stars signalling the beginning and end of paper. The next few chapters will be like you are reading the chapters from the book that Harry is reading. I do not recommend skipping the next few chapters because they hold valuable information about the creature thing.)


Here are a list of jobs you can get based on your rank:

Rank B ~ A+
• friend for hire, $5/h
• any muggle job, as muggle, non-summons, $/h may vary

Rank DD ~ BB+
• friend for hire, $5/h
• any muggle job, as muggle, non-summons, $/h may vary
• elderly help, $10/h
• repair man, $ vary based on work load

Rank AA ~ BBB+
• friend for hire, $5/h
• any muggle job, as muggle, non-summons, $/h may vary
• elderly help, $10/h
• repair man, $ vary based on work load
• babysitting/pet sitting, $5/h
• animal control, $ may vary based on multiple factors

Rank AAA ~ AAA+
• friend for hire, $5/h
• any muggle job, as muggle, non-summons, $/h may vary
• elderly help, $10/h
• repair man, $ vary based on work load
• babysitting/pet sitting, $5/h
• animal control, $ may vary based on multiple factors
• entertainer, $10/h
• genie, $ may vary based on multiple factors
• servant, $30/h

Rank S ~ SSS+
• friend for hire, $5/h
• any muggle job, as muggle, non-summons, $/h may vary
• elderly help, $10/h
• repair man, $ vary based on work load
• babysitting/pet sitting, $5/h
• animal control, $ may vary based on multiple factors
• entertainer, $10/h
• genie, $ may vary based on multiple factors
• servant, $30/h
• all worker, $ may vary on job

Who pays you?

The system is a system set up by the MoS (Ministry of Souls) and other than the clients paying you are also paid by the MoS by the money that is sent to the MoS for tax.

What currency will I be paid in?

The original currency would be the currency all Creaturefolk used for centuries, Soulin. But the money is easily exchanged at the bank for other currencies.

How do I apply?

Simply fill out this application and send it off:

To: Fran, Lorio
Office #43
Department of Jobs (DoJ)
Ministry of Souls

Applying for: (use single check mark)
_ friend for hire, $5/h
_ any muggle job, as muggle, non-summons, $/h may vary
_ elderly help, $10/h
_ repair man, $ vary based on work load
_ babysitting/pet sitting, $5/h
_ animal control, $ may vary based on multiple factors
_ entertainer, $10/h
_ genie, $ may vary based on multiple factors
_ servant, $30/h
_ all worker, $ may vary on job


Alchemy Circle:

Magical Signature:


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