First Summons

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No matter what happened it always seemed that the universe didn't want to give Harry any time to try out all the powers and abilities he's read about. Other than schoolwork, when he did have time, there was always some first year too scared to ask the upper years asking him to reach a book for them. Or sometimes his roommates and Ron run over and end up dragging him to hang out with them.

One time he had almost reached the room of requirement and then someone thought it was funny to stop and talk to him awkwardly for a long time. By then, it was curfew and Harry didn't feel like missing sleep or having his worried roommates on his tail. His roommates all seemed incredibly protective over him, for no apparent reason. It was quite funny seeing all this people his age worrying about him as though they were family.
Just as he was about to enter the common room, a minute before curfew, he received a notification.

|      Exander Happman     |
|       wishes to summon     |
|         Harrison Potter        |
|  Accept                Decline  |

Remembering that he had signed up to be an all-helper, seeing as it was available to only the S ranks and up. He happily accepted, also remembering that this would be his first time trying this 'special magic' and even if it was someone trying to kill him, he was SSS+ rank and, as Doctor Gary Leblanc said, the only and most powerful soul there was.

He accepted and it almost felt like a port key, pulling at his navel and being sucked through a tube, before he landed gracefully on the other end. He stood in the middle of his large alchemy circle which was a dark and slightly glowing green colour. He automatically pulled up the info windows of the person he assumed had summoned him.

| Exander Happman |
| |
|    Mate(s): Open        |
|    Rank: C              |
| Creature: wizard squib |
| Blood: 10%            |
| Age: 11                |

"You're Rank S or above?" Exander Happman, a generally short boy with curly red hair and freckles along with pale green eyes asked, an unbelieving tone in his voice. "You look maybe only a few years older than me. I was expecting some old guy to be honest. I'm glad your around my age though." He added. "I'm eleven, just quarter giant." Harry informed him. "Oh. Well anyway I just wanted someone to hang out with tonight. I can't do magic so I needed someone who can do anything. Sorry if I bothered you."

"No it's fine, I haven't had any time to try using all this magic anyways." Harry strode closer gracefully. "What did you have in mind?" "Probably... ice cream and watching movies under a blanket." The boy said sheepishly. "Bad day?" Harry asked as he walked to the couch behind him and summoned two tubs of ice cream and a fluffy blanket. The lights flicked off and the tv turned on. "Yeah..." Exander replied before sitting down on the couch. They watched a two hour movie together before Harry had to leave. Exander gave him a coin sized star made of gold with the word 'SOULIN' stamped across it.

"Thanks, I liked hanging out with you. Next time is free." Harry shamelessly winked before stepping back onto his alchemy circle  and being portkeyed back to where he stood before. He walked in to the common room quickly, hearing footsteps nearby, most likely Snape's or a prefects looking for people who were out after curfew. He expected his roommates to be sleeping at this point but the second he walked in he was attacked by three small bundle who were all happy to see him alive and well. Though he got yelled at minutes later.

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