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(The next few chapters will be part of the book that Harry is reading and not what is actually happening. Italics is things that are written. Text with stars around them like this:
Is on paper. The stars signalling the beginning and end of paper. The next few chapters will be like you are reading the chapters from the book that Harry is reading. I do not recommend skipping the next few chapters because they hold valuable information about the creature thing.)

(CW: mentions of religion)


Other than the laws of humans and magic, creaturefolk have their own rules.

1. Respect - Respect others, of your kind or not, with the respect they deserve.
2. Truth - Remain truthful to your mate(s).
3. Love - learn to live people for who they are, and get to know someone before you decide to hate them.
4. Hidden - Keep hidden from muggles, no matter the situation, never reveal yourself.
5. Privacy - Do not invade someone's privacy unless they allow you to.
6. Polite - Do not become impolite or improper when talking to others, treat others with kindness until they prove that they don't deserve it

Most of the rules are just basic human morals, but they still run deep into our souls. A long time ago it was believed that the life and death who had blessed us on this earth would punish us if the moral rules weren't followed. Some still believe that life and death would punish us if these rules weren't followed. Some people still pray to and pay tribute to the old deities, life and death. Remember to keep your morals. More about the magicfolk and human laws can be found in Earth Laws for Dummies by Emzada Marie


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