Broom Closet Again

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Draco frowned as he walked an empty hallway. Harry had sent him a mind message saying to meet him in the hallway in five minutes, but the hallway was empty other than a broom closet- oh. Draco grinned as he figured out where his beloved boyfriend was hiding. He walked past the broom closet nonchalantly, as though he wasn't waiting for said boyfriend to pull him in and kiss him. Just as Draco thought, an arm reached out of the broom closet and pulled him inside, his lips captured in seconds. "Hey Harry." Draco whispered as he lazily cast a silencing charm on the broom closet.

"Hey pancake." Harry grinned. In seconds, Harry had Draco's legs around his waist and the wall of the closet being used as Draco's back support, Harry's arms snaking around and caressing Draco's back. "Not that I mind, but what's with the sudden affection?" Draco smirked. Harry's lips were busy kissing and sucking at the skin on Draco's neck so he hummed in a low voice, sending shivers up Draco's spine, before answering. "It's about time we got some alone time. Those two won't leave us alone for even a second." Harry said.

"Yeah. It really sucks. I'm not planning on doing it in a broom closet though. Neither am I planning on doing it in my uncle and your godfather's house while everyone including guests are home." Draco told Harry. "Come on, Draco. Live a little." Harry chuckled, continuing to kiss and suck at sensitive skin on Draco's neck. "Oh my god, Harrison Potter. Last time my ass hurt like hell for a week and we used a bed!" Draco complained. "Draco." Harry stared into Draco's eyes seriously. "Yeah...?" Draco asked. "I'm quarter giant." Harry laughed, almost giggling. "Pffft! Stop!" Draco blushed. "But you love it..." Harry whined. "Your right I do. I love it and I love you. Now let me finish talking." Draco agreed. "Awww ok I love you too." Harry added.

"But!" Draco began, as though they hadn't had a whole conversation in between. "I wouldn't mind a makeout session." He continued. Harry grinned and shifted his kissing and sucking to Draco's lips, before slipping his tongue into Draco's mouth. "Dracooo? Harryyy? Where are those guys?" A voice both busy boys recognized as Julie's.

They both paused in the position they were in, which was the same one as before except for Harry holding Draco's hands, which were pinned at the side's of Draco's head. Their eyes bulged and they didn't moved afraid to make a noise and give away where they were, especially in their current position. Momentarily forgetting Draco had cast a silencing spell, they even held their breath. "Wait, I cast a silencing spell." Draco remembered. "Oh. My heart was beating so fast. They may be only two years younger than us but I still feel like they're children who shouldn't see this. I almost feel like we're their parents with how they're acting, like clingy toddlers." Harry laughed.

"Haha! I feel the same!" Draco replied. They both laughed, though the mood had diminished after Julie had unintentionally interrupted. "We should go." Harry said, letting Draco down. "You go first, I'll teleport and go for a run, pretending I've been outside the whole time." Harry planned. Draco nodded and at the same time, Draco exited the room and Harry teleported.

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