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(The next few chapters will be part of the book that Harry is reading and not what is actually happening. Italics is things that are written. Text with stars around them like this:
Is on paper. The stars signalling the beginning and end of paper. The next few chapters will be like you are reading the chapters from the book that Harry is reading. I do not recommend skipping the next few chapters because they hold valuable information about the creature thing.)

(CW: mentions of blood and biting)


There is no limit to how many mates someone can have but all mates must know and be okay with each other. Once someone mates there is no going back. Mates are your significant others for life, like marriage but you need to be with each other and divorce doesn't exist.

All mates will need:
• constant attention (physical, sexual, emotional)
• alone time with mate(s)
• all the love and affection possible
• complete trust and love

Most people's creature blood will need mates to survive, so most creatures' brains will be focused on mating. If mates are apart long it can cause more than just emotional pain for both parties.

How to mark:
1. Shift into any form you feel most comfortable in
2. Bite/mark (on the neck is best) the other party until the mark bleeds
3. Suck some of the blood into your mouth
4. Let the other party do the same to you
5. Kiss to seal and mix the blood
6. Rub truth serum and Amortentia mix on both bite marks and cover with bandaids to heal

If, for some reason, the mark does not heal after a week, call The Department of Creature Troubles (DOCT) now.

Mating ceremonies (like muggle marriage) also exist, though the actual mating and marking should be done in private after the ceremony. Mating ceremonies are exactly like a regular muggle marriage (as though getting married in the human realm and the creature realm) most creatures prefer this way. Ceremonies and totally optional.


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