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(CW: paranoia, anxiety attack and doubtful thoughts)

Their three weeks staying at Grimmauld Place ended quicker than they would have wanted, and soon enough Harry and Draco had to say their goodbyes and part ways. Over the summer, Draco started doing a lot of reading. Most of all about mates and creaturefolk things. One thing specifically caught his eye.

Some couples decide to become mates almost right away while other take a longer time. The average time for a couple to take before becoming mates would be a few months. A couple should at least have spoken on the topic of becoming mates by the one month point. Most of the time if couples don't talk about becoming mates, it means one side may be having second thoughts or doubts.

Draco remembered that he and Harry had been together almost two months now, and they had never even spoken about becoming mates. Was... was harry having second thoughts? Draco curled up into a ball on his bed as he could hear all his fears and doubts grow louder and louder. He couldn't breath anymore, though all he did was breath as fast as he could to get air. He felt as though he was drowning in panic.

Did Harry not love him anymore?
Did Harry even love him in the first place?
Was harry just playing around?
Was harry using him?
Did Harry have someone else in mind to become his mate?
Why would Harry like him anyway?
Did Harry feel the same way about him as he does about harry?

Draco couldn't bear the thoughts anymore as he shut his eyes. Tears fell from his eyes as he clenched them, willing himself to go to bed, hoping that his dreams would be better than reality. And so he did dream.

Draco was in a never ending field of white flowers, the earth and sky were all white and depthless. He had no idea how far he could run. For some reason, he knew where to run. Like his heart was pulling him. Suddenly he saw a tree up ahead and Harry, his Harry, waiting for him there with a flower. He tried to call out but no sound would come. No sound except silence. Not even the wind or the birds chirping. As he began to get closer, trying to get Harry's attention, someone else came and took Harry's attention.

A black silhouette. The silhouette took the flower from Harry and kissed him on the cheek, before they began dancing as though slow music had been playing. Though he could not physically hear the music, Draco could imagine the music there easily, as though he heard it. He watched as Harry and the silhouette leave hand in hand, entering a house. In a split second, the white surrounds became black and just as depthless. The house soon became alive with lights and silhouettes of of a family in the window.

Eventually, everything began to fade. First it was the field, then the tree, then the surrounding of the house and then the house until only a single window was left. The light clicked and it was gone too. Draco looked down and noticed he was fading into the black too. He didn't know whether to scream or welcome it. Was it really that bad if he just faded away?

The second the black faded his whole body, so that he couldn't even see his hair in his eyes anymore, it was all black. And depthless. He was depthless too. And then he woke up. Draco was sweating and shaking and all he wanted to do was hug his beloved, but was did his beloved see him as his beloved?

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