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Deciding against not telling Harry his worries, Draco quickly took out his phone and sent his boyfriend a long text before he could regret it. It was good to talk about your fears in relationships. Especially when it had something to do with the other person in a relationship.


Harry have you ever thought about getting mated? I have and we haven't really talked about it and I read it was normal to talk about it after a month in the relationship. And idk it said the only reason a couple wouldn't was if one of the people were having doubts... I'm not are you? Idk I had a bad dream about it I think we should call.

I have been thinking about it a lot,  I wasn't sure if you wanted to do it or not. I guess I just kind of waited for you to bring it up. Im glad you brought it up though, we should talk about it. I'm free rn if you want to meet up but call is ok too.

Meeting up would be great. I'm free as well. Leaky Cauldron in 15?

Sounds great.


Draco quickly washed up and got changed before making his way to the leaky cauldron, where Harry was already waiting for him. "Hey Harry." Draco greeted him. "Hey Draco. Let's go somewhere more private to talk." Harry suggested, giving Draco a hug before taking his hand and walking into the busy street if Diagon Alley. Harry led Draco through the crowd until they ended up in Eeylops' Owl Emporium, a shop that was generally empty because most students already had pets or hadn't received their letters yet. They sat down in a corner between two cages and began to talk.

"Hey. Tell me what happened." Harry told Draco. "I was reading... and then I had all these thoughts. And they wouldn't stop so I went to sleep but them in my dream it just made those thoughts worse. In a field of flowers... you leaving me behind and then I faded into the background." Draco sighed. Harry nodded and hugged Draco. "Draco, as long as I live I will never leave you." Harry told him. "Really?" Draco asked, wiping his eyes. "Yes Draco, because I love you. And I'd be over the moon at even the possibility that you wanted to be mated to me." Harry grinned, pecking Draco's forehead.

"Your so sappy." Draco laughed as they stood up and walked down Diagon Alley. The rest of the day they spent hanging out with each other on some sort of casual date. It was laid back and comfortable, where they could be themselves and snack on things like ice cream and blood pops.

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