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At twelve Grimmauld Place, six people waited patiently for four more people to arrive. The six people included Sirius and Remus, Remus's Brother Pierre and Pierre's wife Franny along with their pair of twins Julie and Juden. While the adults talked and cooked, Julie and Juden, who were fifteen, stared out the window.
(French in bold and italics)

"Juden! Look at those total cuties!" Julie pointed out the window. There was one tall man with pale skin and amazing green eyes and short black hair. He had a scar from his right cheek to his right collar bone, which was being shamelessly shown with the dark grey button up (only half buttoned up) he was wearing. the button up was loosely tucked into black dress pants that were held up by a thick belt and the shirt's sleeves were rolled up just above the giant's elbow, where a black cast started on the left hand and dark brown dress shoes at his feet.

The other boy was almost a head shorter than the one with the scar. He had neat platinum blond hair with a classic middle part hair style. His eyes were greyer than storm clouds and he was just as pale as the other one. He had small beauty marks sprinkled around his face and skin. He wore a light blue dress shirt just like the other boy, tucked into the same pants only white, with the same belt and black dress shoes.

Behind them, two kids followed. The kids looked alike to each other but none looked alike to the older boys. "They're probably muggles though..." Julie sighed. "Wanna go info check?" Juden asked, a mischievous smirk on his face. "Juden, you know I would but we have to wait for Uncle Rem and Uncle Siri's family to get here." Julie grumbled. "How many people did Uncle Rem say were coming?" Juden asked, staring into Julie's eyes.

"Four. Why?" Julie asked, though she got her answer as right at that moment the door opened and the boys Julie and Juden were ogling stepped into the the house. "We're here!" One of them called. "I want the blond." Julie whispered to Juden. "I get the tall one." Juden nodded. "First one to get one of them to fall for them wins and the loser does chores for a month." Julie laughed, clearly deciding she was the most likely winner.

They walked to the entrance together and saw the people they were staring at before, only much closer up. The tall one was way taller than they thought, tall enough to reach the doorway with his head if he didn't watch out. The other was still incredibly tall as well.

"Woah. You guys are tall." Julie, who was five foot six, said. Startled, the two boys turned to Julie. "Yeah. Actually we're seventeen but I have tall genes and he's a quarter giant." The blond explained. "We're fifteen. How tall are you guys? Im five foot eight and Julie is five foot six." Juden said. "Oh i think I'm about six foot six or six foot seven." The quarter giant said. "I'm six foot three or six foot two." The blond answered. "Wow." Julie and Juden said at the same time.

Other than their height difference, Julie and Juden looked like twins. They both had a light tan, deep brown eyes and light brown hair. They had prominent cheekbones and dimples as well as identical birthmarks that looked like Australia on the right side middle of their torsos.

Being close in age, all four teens had to share a room.

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