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(CW: badly written german because I can't spell German to save my life and google isn't working cuz I'm on LTE)

It was lunch and as Harry was about to dig in, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Only then he realized that he forgot to call his siblings in the last few days. "I have to leave." Harry said to Theo, Blaise and Draco, who he was sitting with. Harry ran out of the great hall, Draco following him to make sure everything was okay, though he didn't realize. Harry answered the call after reading the name 'Daryn' as the caller.

"Weiß* du vie lange wir haben nicht gehört von dir!?" (Do you know how long we didn't hear from you!?) Harry's brother yelled at him from the other end. Harry leaned his back against the wall and held the phone to his ear.
<The ß is pronounced as an S>

"Ja ja. Ich weiß. Sorry. Da ist so viel Arbeit her, ich habe ganz vergessen. Na ja, jetzt is ist egal. Ich bin in Slytherin." (yes yes. I know. Sorry. There is so much work here, I totally forgot. Well, it doesn't matter now. I'm in Slytherin.) Harry replied.

"Ich habe dir gezackt um zum rufen an jeden tag. Lue hat schon trennen val die dachte du hast vergessen uber uns. Die ist nur six due canst so was nicht machen!" (I told you to call everyday. Lue already had tears because she thought you forgot about us. She's only six you can't do things like this!) Daryn told him off. Made you really wonder who really was the older brother.

„Mer tut is leicht. Ich bin glücklich um zum hören dich sprechen. Gib mal Lue den Telefon." (I'm sorry. I'm happy to hear you speaking. Give Lue the phone.) Harry replied.

„Hallo!? Harry!?" Lue yelled excitedly. „Hallo Lue." Harry replied.

„Vie gehts?" (How's it going?) Harry asked his youngest sister. „Gut! Vier hatten ice gegessen gestern und ich hade Schokolade! Is va sooooo lecker ich wünschte du vast her das vier konnten zusammen ice essen und spielen am Spiele Platz!" (Good! We ate ice cream yesterday and I had chocolate! It was sooooo yummy I wish you were here so that we couple eat ice cream together and play at the play ground!) Lue told her brother.

„Ich Wunsche ich va da auch! Is horte ganz schön und cool. Ich muss jetzt laufen oder ich wurde nicht Schafen zu meine Klasse." (I wish I was there too! It sounds very nice and cool. I have to go now or I won't make it to my class.) Harry smiled. „Awwww. Ruf an morgen wider. Leibe dich!" (awww. Call again tomorrow. Love you!) Lue exclaimed before hanging up. Harry placed his phone back in his pocket and waited for Theo, Blaise and Draco to come back out.

Unknowing to Harry, Draco was busy comprehending what he had just heard.

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