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(The next few chapters will be part of the book that Harry is reading and not what is actually happening. Italics is things that are written. Text with stars around them like this:
Is on paper. The stars signalling the beginning and end of paper. The next few chapters will be like you are reading the chapters from the book that Harry is reading. I do not recommend skipping the next few chapters because they hold valuable information about the creature thing.)


Long ago in the beginning of time there were nineteen tribes. Seventeen of them were hidden away from the other two, so that they could never know of their existence. While the other two coexisted.

The two tribes who coexisted were humans and magicfolk (known as witches and wizards). The other seventeen were the seventeen creatures. No one dared to mix, even though they coexisted. The humans stayed to humans, the magicfolk to magicfolk, the Veela to Veela. The witches and wizards were all pureblooded, without any humans daring to mix in and the tribes of creatures were all full creature.

Back then, creaturefolk used to be born from the stumps of fallen over dead trees. The first ones had special marks tattooed behind their left ear to make sure everyone knew they were the first batch. There were ten batches in total. They coexisted like that for a very long time. Until the humans grew scared. They burned the witches and hunted the creatures, leaving almost none left alive.

The creatures back then had a very long lifespan, and after so many long years the first ones' lives were starting to come to an end one by one. The magicfolk and creaturefolk paired up and helped each other hide, becoming one big hidden city under the magicfolk's magic. Because they were both being hunted by the masses of humans they saw it best to team up and hide.

It didn't take long for the magicfolk and creaturefolk to mix in between each other, though most preferred to stay to their own tribe. Centuries passed and each first ones' descendant received the mark as well (a small single line behind the ear) though the direct descendants became less and less over the years as they mixed more and more.

As the world became more modern the eighteen tribes all decided to slowly integrate themselves back in with the humans, who seemed to have forgotten about their beloved spot, witch hunting and creature catching. As soon as possible, magicfolk and creaturefolk learned about how the new world worked and were quick to create their own underground version.

Now, we have strict rules and regulations to make sure the humans never find out about the magicfolk or creaturefolk again. Creaturefolk and Magicfolk had completely become one over the years and eventually they started to mix with humans as well. Which resulted in half-bloods. Muggleborns came when a witch or wizard died at the exact same time a muggle was born. It was at random but the dead wizard or witch's core immediately moved and settled in the newborn baby.

The rules and schools and hiding from muggles is all to protect each other, which is why the rules must be kept.

If you see or hear something illegal that could risk the exposure of magicfolk or creaturefolk, call the Department of Creature Troubles (DOCT, XXX-XXX-XXXX) or the Department of Magical Exposure (DOME, XXX-XXX-XXXX)



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