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"I'm... still so confused." Harrison told the other. "So basically, you died in a really horrible way really young. After you die you come to one of the many departments that I and my coworkers work at. Now you are talking with me, Doctor Gary Leblanc, to clarify things and see what happens next. Usually we don't have a special case such as you. We haven't had one in hundreds of years." It paused.

"By 'special case' I mean someone who died young and powerful in a horrible way, led a horrible life not by their own fault and knew nothing about themselves. We call these 'special cases' the orphans. Not because most of them are orphans but because they were mentally and emotionally abandoned by people on earth and thus are here in the L.C.R.R. There are only a handful of Orphans and I have never seen an orphan or anyone as powerful as you. We work kind of like your Ministry of Magic except for souls in the afterlife and we're called the Ministry of Souls." It went on.

"Now let me explain to you what exactly your Blood Test means." The Doctor named Gary Leblanc grabbed the purple paper and pointed to a part of text.


Blood Purity: 100%


"First of all, you need to know that blood purity is totally different than blood purity in the wizarding world. In the wizarding world blood purity is if you're purely wizard, but blood purity here is how ancient your blood line goes back. For example, yours is 100% meaning your a direct descendant from 'the first ones'. The lowest someone can possibly get on blood purity is 0% which is very rare and most of the time they are muggles or muggleborns. I'll be referring pureblood souls as pureblood souls and pureblood witches as witches and wizards."


30% God Descendent
25% Giant
10% Elf
10% Dragon
10% Magic Core
5% Cupid
5% Jizebel
5% End


"Most Pureblood and Half-blood Witches, Souls and Wizards have Creature blood in their blood, which becomes mature and visible usually when the person needs it or age fourteen to sixteen. Yours was blocked by magic, hence why you're here. God Descendant means that you descended from a god. Giant is why you're this tall, though your only quarter giant so you won't be as tall as half-giants. An elf is literally just like in those muggle fairytales. You know what a dragon and a Cupid is, a Jizebel is the opposite of a Cupid. All witches and wizards are a percent made up of magical core so no need to worry about that. You do have an oddly high percentage though. Usually it's five to seven percent. Probably nothing to worry about. Anyway. An End is what I wanted to talk about. Nobody knows what exactly and End is, does or looks, but It's like a good-looking demon."


Gryffindor (AN) P
Slytherin (AN) M
Ravenclaw (AN) M
Hufflepuff (AN) P
Emrys (AN) P
Le fay (AN) P
Black (AN) P
Potter (AN) P-M
Evans (NM) M
Peverell (AN) P-M
Gaunt (AN) M
Riddle (NM) M


"These are the list of houses or families you belong to, houses you can take the head of house position of. In the brackets that you see beside each house, 'A' stands for Ancient and 'N' stands for Noble. They tell you of the house is noble, ancient or both. In the brackets on two of the houses you see the letters 'N' and 'M', those stand for No-maj, the American term for muggles. Beside the brackets there are 'P' and 'M', 'P' means you get that house from your father, Paternal, and 'M' means Maternal."


Mate(s): Open


"This just means that you can choose your own mate or mates and the spot hasn't been taken yet. There is no limit or minimum though I don't recommend getting more than three mates, because all mates will need physical, emotional and mental affection and support. Mates are your significant others for life, like marriage but you need to be with each other and divorce doesn't exist. Choose wisely, Casanova. I'll give you a book teaching you how to mark someone as your mate and other further information on things if I decide you deserve a second life."


Rank: SSS+


"This just ranks how powerful you are. I'll give you the satisfaction of knowing you're the only 'SSS+' rank soul to exist! I think there are about three 'SSS' rank souls but you're the most powerful soul there is and nobody else is even near your level. The ranks go from 'D' being the lowest to 'A' to 'DD' to 'AA'- you know what you look confused I'll give you a list." The purple Doctor handed over a grey sheet with darker grey writing.


Lowest to Highest Rank:

D (no-maj/muggle)
D+ (squib)
C (squib)
C+ (squib)
B (almost squib)
B+ (almost squib)
A (almost squib)
A+ (almost squib)
DD (below average)
DD+ (below average)
CC (below average)
CC+ (below average)
BB (below average)
BB+ (below average)
AA (average)
AA+ (average)
DDD (average)
DDD+ (average)
CCC (average)
CCC+ (average)
BBB (average)
BBB+ (average)
AAA (above average)
AAA+ (Above average)
S (powerful)
S+ (powerful)
SS (powerful)
SS+ (powerful)
SSS (Merlin)
SSS+ (???)



Magical Signature:


"All you do is drag your finger on the paper and write your signature, which should come to you naturally, and it will magically update all known archives that hold information about you. Of course it will withhold anything you want it to withhold, but it won't lie. You just need to feel while you write and it will happen. It also acknowledges that you understand everything on this paper and which to proceed. Please sign."

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